Description(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)
chr — Return a specific character
chr — 返回指定的字符
string chr ( int $ascii ) //Returns a one-character string containing the character specified by ascii. //返回相对应于 ascii 所指定的单个字符。 //This function complements ord(). //此函数与 ord() 是互补的。Parameters ascii
The extended ASCII code.
Ascii 码。
Values outside the valid range (0..255) will be bitwise and"ed with 255, which is equivalent to the following algorithm:
while ($ascii < 0) { $ascii += 256; } $ascii %= 256;Return Values
Returns the specified character.
Examples> 6 ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( $dec & 0x3f ) ); } else if ( $dec < 0x010000 ) { $utf = chr( 0xE0 + ( $dec >> 12 ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( ( $dec >> 6 ) & 0x3f ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( $dec & 0x3f ) ); } else if ( $dec < 0x200000 ) { $utf = chr( 0xF0 + ( $dec >> 18 ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( ( $dec >> 12 ) & 0x3f ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( ( $dec >> 6 ) & 0x3f ) ); $utf .= chr( 0x80 + ( $dec & 0x3f ) ); } else { die( "UTF-8 character size is more than 4 bytes" ); } return $utf; } function unichr3( $u ) { return mb_convert_encoding( "" . intval( $u ) . ";", "UTF-8", "HTML-ENTITIES" ); } echo unichr( 0x263A ) . PHP_EOL;//☺ echo unichr2( 0x263A ) . PHP_EOL;//☺ echo unichr3( 0x263A ) . PHP_EOL;//☺ echo unichr( 0x263B ) . PHP_EOL;//☻ echo unichr2( 0x263B ) . PHP_EOL;//☻ echo unichr( 20013 ) . PHP_EOL;//中 echo unichr2( 20013 ) . PHP_EOL;//中 echo unichr3( 20013 ) . PHP_EOL;//中See
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摘要:返回字符的码值返回字符串第一个字符的码值。该函数是的互补函数。下午中国中国 ord (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) ord — Return ASCII value of character ord — 返回字符的 ASCII 码值 Description int ord ( string $string ) //Returns the ASCII value of t...
摘要:上次讲到是如何解析大整数的,一笔带过了的处理,再详细阅读该函数的源码,以下是小分析。总结阅读完这个函数的源码,学习到的是浮动数与字符串的互相转换的实现细节,字符串与浮点数之间的关系较复杂,之后还要继续学习。 上次讲到PHP是如何解析大整数的,一笔带过了number_format的处理,再详细阅读该函数的源码,以下是小分析。 函数原型 string number_format ( flo...
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