环境要求:PHP7.1 PDO Extension先贴代码
* Copyright 2017 空城 * CreateDate 2017-12-14 */ class mysql_pdo { // Host address public static $host = ""; // Host port public static $port = 3306; // Username public static $user = "root"; // Password public static $pwd = "root"; // Database public static $db = ""; // Character set public static $charset = "utf8mb4"; // Persistent connection public static $pconnect = true; // Connection object public static $conn = null; // Table name public static $table = ""; // Core container public static $data = ""; public static $field = "*"; public static $where = ""; public static $order = ""; public static $group = ""; public static $limit = ""; public static $join = ""; public static $bind = []; public static $sql = ""; // Initialization public static function init(array $conf = array(), bool $reconnect = false):void { class_exists("PDO") or exit("PDO: class not exists."); empty($conf["host"]) or self::$host = $conf["host"]; empty($conf["port"]) or self::$port = $conf["port"]; empty($conf["user"]) or self::$user = $conf["user"]; empty($conf["pwd"]) or self::$pwd = $conf["pwd"]; empty($conf["db"]) or self::$db = $conf["db"]; empty($conf["table"]) or self::$table = $conf["table"]; if (is_null(self::$conn) || $reconnect) self::$conn = self::_connect(); } // Query or Exec public static function do(string $sql = "", bool $flag = false) { empty($sql) or self::$sql = $sql; $preg = "INSERT|UPDATE|DELETE|REPLACE|CREATE|DROP|LOAD DATA|SELECT .* INTO|COPY|ALTER|GRANT|REVOKE|LOCK|UNLOCK"; if (preg_match("/^s*"?(" . $preg . ")s+/i", self::$sql)) return self::exec("", $flag); else return self::query("", self::$sql); } // Query public static function query(string $sql = "", bool $flag = false):array { $statm = self::_start($sql); $result = $statm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return $flag ? $result[0] : $result; } // Exec public static function exec(string $sql = "", bool $flag = false):int { $statm = self::_start($sql); $row = $statm->rowCount(); return $flag ? self::$conn->lastInsertId() : $row; } // Insert public static function insert(string $table = "", array $data = [], bool $flag = false):int { $table = !empty($data) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $insertData = []; if ( count($data) == count($data, 1) ) $insertData[0] = $data; else $insertData = $data; $lastId = 0; $row = 0; foreach ($insertData as $key => $data) { $data = self::_format($table, $data); $vals = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $vals[] = self::_setBind(str_replace("`", "", $key), $value); } $keys = array_keys($data); self::$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . trim($table) . "` (" . implode(",", $keys) . ") VALUES(" . implode(",", $vals) . ")"; self::exec() && $flag && $row += 1; } $lastId = self::$conn->lastInsertId(); unset($insertData,$data); return $flag ? $row : $lastId; } // Delete public static function del(string $table = "", array $where = []):int { $table = !empty($data) ? $table : self::$table; $where = !empty($where) ? self::_where($where) : self::_where(self::$where); if ("" === $where) return 0; self::$sql = "DELETE FROM `".trim($table)."` ".$where; unset($table, $where); return self::exec(); } // Update public static function save(string $table = "", array $data = [], $where = []):int { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $where = !empty($where) ? $where : self::$where; if (false == $where) { $key = self::_tbKey($table); $where = []; foreach ($key as $k => $v) { empty($data[$k]) or $where[$k] = $data[$k]; } $where = self::_where($where); } else $where = self::_where($where); $data = self::_format($table, $data); $kv = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $k = str_replace("`", "", $key); $k = self::_setBind($k, $value); $kv[] = $key."=".$k; } $kv_str = implode(",", $kv); self::$sql = "UPDATE `".trim($table)."` SET ".trim($kv_str)." ".trim($where); unset($kv_str, $data, $kv, $table); if ("" === $where) return 0; return self::exec(); } // Select public static function select(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $opt = self::_condition($table, $opt); $field = $opt["field"] = !empty($opt["field"]) ? $opt["field"] : self::$field; if (is_array($field)) { foreach ($field as $key => $value) $field[$key] = self::_avoidKey($value); $field = implode(",", $field); } elseif(is_string($field) && $field != ""); else $field = "*"; self::$sql = "SELECT ".$field." FROM `".$opt["table"]."` ".$opt["join"].$opt["where"].$opt["group"].$opt["order"].$opt["limit"]; unset($opt); return self::query(); } // Get a line public static function first(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { self::$limit = "1"; $result = self::select($table, $opt); return $result[0]; } // Count public static function count(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, "count"); } // Avg public static function avg(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, "avg"); } // Sum public static function sum(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, "sum"); } // Min public static function min(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, "min"); } // Max public static function max(string $table = "", array $opt = []):array { $option = self::_condition($table,$opt); return self::_common($option, "max"); } // Dec public static function dec(string $table = "", $data = [], $where = []):int { return self::_setCol($table, $data, $where,"-"); } // Inc public static function inc(string $table = "", $data = [], $where = []):int { return self::_setCol($table, $data, $where,"+"); } // Clear public static function clear():void { self::$data = ""; self::$field = "*"; self::$where = ""; self::$order = ""; self::$group = ""; self::$limit = ""; self::$bind = []; } // SetAttribute public static function setAttr($key, $val):bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->setAttribute($key, $val); } // BeginTransaction public static function begin():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->beginTransaction(); } // Commit public static function commit():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->commit(); } // RollBack public static function rollBack():bool { !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); return self::$conn->rollBack(); } // Connect protected static function _connect():void { $dsn = "mysql:host=".self::$host.";port=".self::$port.";dbname=".self::$db; $options = [ PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES " . self::$charset, PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => (bool)self::$pconnect ]; try { $dbh = new PDO($dsn, self::$user, self::$pwd, $options); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $dbh->exec("SET NAMES " . self::$charset); } catch (PDOException $e) { exit("Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage()); } self::$conn = $dbh; unset($dsn, $dbh, $options); } // Mosaic SQL protected static function _condition(string $table, array $opt):array { $option = []; $option["table"] = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $option["field"] = !empty($opt["field"]) ? $opt["field"] : self::$field; $option["join"] = !empty($opt["join"]) ? self::_join($opt["join"]) :self::_join(self::$join); $option["where"] = !empty($opt["where"]) ? self::_where($opt["where"]) : self::_where(self::$where); $option["order"] = !empty($opt["order"]) ? self::_order($opt["order"]) : self::_order(self::$order); $option["group"] = !empty($opt["group"]) ? self::_group($opt["group"]) : self::_group(self::$group); $option["limit"] = !empty($opt["limit"]) ? self::_limit($opt["limit"]) : self::_limit(self::$limit); return $option; } // Exec SQL common function protected static function _start(string $sql = "") { empty($sql) or self::$sql = $sql; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare(self::$sql); $statm->execute(self::$bind); self::clear(); return $statm; } // Common protected static function _common(array $opt, string $func):array { if (is_string($opt["field"]) && $opt["field"] != "") { $strField = $opt["field"]; $fieldArr = explode(",", $strField); $strField = "_".implode("_,_", $fieldArr)."_"; } elseif (is_array($opt["field"])) { $fieldArr = $opt["field"]; $strField = "_".implode("_,_", $opt["field"])."_"; } else return false; foreach ($fieldArr as $v) { $val = self::_avoidKey($v); $alias = str_replace(".", "_", $val); $alias = " AS ".(false === strpos($val, "*") ? $alias : "`". $alias ."`"); $strField = str_replace("_".$v."_", $func . "(" . $val . ") ".$alias, $strField); } self::$sql = "SELECT ".$strField." FROM `".$opt["table"]."` ".$opt["join"].$opt["where"].$opt["group"].$opt["order"].$opt["limit"]; unset($opt, $func, $fieldArr, $strField, $alias); $result = self::query(); return count($result) == 1 && !empty($result[0]) ? $result[0] : $result; } // Set field protected static function _setCol(string $table = "", $data = "", $where = [], string $type):int { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $data = !empty($data) ? $data : self::$data; $where = !empty($where) ? self::_where($where) : self::_where(self::$where); if (is_array($data)) { $new_data = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_string($key)) $new_data[$key] = $key.$type.abs($value); else $new_data[$value] = $value.$type."1"; } } elseif (is_string($data)) $new_data[$data] = $data.$type."1"; $kv = []; foreach ($new_data as $key => $value) { $kv[] = self::_avoidKey($key)."=".$value; } $kv_str = implode(",", $kv); self::$sql = "UPDATE `".trim($table)."` SET ".trim($kv_str)." ".trim($where); unset($data); if ("" === $where) return 0; return self::exec(); } // Preprocessing protected static function _setBind(string $key, $value):string { if (empty(self::$bind[":".$key])) { $k = ":".$key; self::$bind[$k] = $value; } else { $k = ":".$key."_".mt_rand(1,9999); while (!empty(self::$bind[":".$k])) { $k = ":".$key."_".mt_rand(1,9999); } self::$bind[$k] = $value; } unset($key, $value); return $k; } // Join protected static function _join($opt):string { $join = ""; if (is_string($opt) && "" !== trim($opt)) return $opt; elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $mode = "INNER"; if (is_array($value)) { if (!empty($value[2]) && 0 === strcasecmp($value[2], "LEFT")) $mode = "LEFT"; elseif (!empty($value[2]) && 0 === strcasecmp($value[2], "RIGHT")) $mode = "RIGHT"; $relative = !empty($value[3]) ? $value[3] : "="; $condition = " ".$mode." JOIN ".$key." ON ".self::_avoidKey($value[0]).$relative.self::_avoidKey($value[1])." "; } else { $condition = " ".$mode." JOIN ".$key." ON ".$value." "; } $join .= $condition; } } unset($opt); return $join; } // Where protected static function _where($opt):string { $where = ""; if (is_string($opt) && "" !== trim($opt)) return " WHERE ".$opt; elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $k = self::_avoidKey($key); if (is_array($value)) { $key = self::_setBind($key,$value[0]); $relative = !empty($value[1]) ? $value[1] : "="; $link = !empty($value[2]) ? $value[2] : "AND"; $condition = " (".$k." ".$relative." ".$key.") "; } else { $key = self::_setBind($key,$value); $link = "AND"; $condition = " (".$k."=".$key.") "; } $where .= $where !== "" ? $link.$condition : " WHERE ".$condition; } } unset($opt); return $where; } // Order protected static function _order($opt):string { $order = ""; if (is_string($opt) && "" !== trim($opt)) return " ORDER BY "._avoidKey($opt); elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $link = ","; if (is_string($key)) { if (0 === strcasecmp($value, "DESC")) $condition = " ".self::_avoidKey($key)." DESC "; else $condition = " ".self::_avoidKey($key)." ASC "; } else $condition = " ".self::_avoidKey($value)." ASC "; $order .= $order !== "" ? $link.addslashes($condition) : " ORDER BY ".addslashes($condition); } } unset($opt); return $order; } // Limit protected static function _limit($opt):string { $limit = ""; if (is_string($opt) && "" !== trim($opt)) return " LIMIT ".$opt; elseif (is_array($opt) && 2 == count($opt)) $limit = " LIMIT ".(int)$opt[0].",".(int)$opt[1]; elseif (is_array($opt) && 1 == count($opt)) $limit = " LIMIT ".(int)$opt[0]; unset($opt); return $limit; } // Group protected static function _group($opt):string { $group = ""; if (is_string($opt) && "" !== trim($opt)) return " GROUP BY "._avoidKey($opt); elseif (is_array($opt)) { foreach($opt as $key => $value) { $link = ","; $condition = " ".self::_avoidKey($value)." "; $group .= $group !== "" ? $link.addslashes($condition) : " GROUP BY ".addslashes($condition); } } unset($opt); return $group; } // Format data protected static function _format(string $table, $data):array { if (!is_array($data)) return array(); $tbColumn = self::_tbInfo($table); $res = []; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { if (!is_scalar($val)) continue; if (!empty($tbColumn[$key])) { $key = self::_avoidKey($key); if (is_int($val)) $val = intval($val); elseif (is_float($val)) $val = floatval($val); elseif (preg_match("/^(w*(+|-|*|/)?w*)$/i", $val)) $val = $val; elseif (is_string($val)) $val = addslashes($val); $res[$key] = $val; } } unset($data); return $res; } // Table info protected static function _tbInfo(string $table = ""):array { $table = !empty($table) ? $table : self::$table; $sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME="".$table."" AND TABLE_SCHEMA="".self::$db."""; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare($sql); $statm->execute(); $result = $statm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $res = []; foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $res[$value["COLUMN_NAME"]] = 1; } // unset($result, $statm); return $res; } // Get primary key protected static function _tbKey(string $table):array { $sql = "SELECT k.column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints t JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage k USING (constraint_name,table_schema,table_name) WHERE t.constraint_type="PRIMARY KEY" AND t.table_schema="".self::$db."" AND t.table_name="".$table."""; !empty(self::$conn) or self::_connect(); $statm = self::$conn->prepare($sql); $statm->execute(); $result = $statm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $res = []; foreach ($result as $key=>$value) { $res[$value["column_name"]] = 1; } unset($result, $statm); return $res; } // Avoid mistakes protected static function _avoidKey(string $value):string { if ("*" == $value || false !== strpos($value,"(") || false !== strpos($value,".")); elseif (false === strpos($value,"`")) $value = "`".trim($value)."`"; return $value; } }基本使用
// step_1:引入文件 require_once "mysql.php"; // 取别名(可省略) use mysql_pdo as db; // 连接信息(可省略,可在文件内写好配置) db::$host = ""; db::$user = "root"; db::$pwd = "root"; db::$db = "test"; // step_2:绑定操作信息 db::$tbale = "tablename"; // step_3:开始使用 db::select(); // 该操作最终执行的语句是:SELECT * FROM `tablename`
// 绑定操作表 db::$table = "tablename"; // 绑定数据,如需插入多行数据,构建的数据为二维数组即可 db::$data = [ "col_1" => "value_1", "col_2" => "value_2", "col_3" => "value_3", "col_4" => "value_4" ]; // 执行 db::insert(); // 返回值为最后插入的ID,如果要获取插入的行数请使用传参写法 db::insert("tablename",$data,true) 参数形式无须绑定参数
// 操作表,如果每次都对同一张表进行操作,则不需要重新绑定 db::$table = "tablename"; // 绑定where条件,防止删表操作,在没有where条件下不会执行delete操作 db::$where = ["id" => 1] // 数组形式一 最终解析:[AND] `id` = 1 默认对比关系为 =,逻辑 AND db::$where = ["id" => ["1",">","AND"]] // 数组形式二 最终解析:[AND] `id` > 1 db::$where = "id = 1" //字符串形式 最终解析为: WHERE id = 1 // 执行 db::del();
// 在绑定表的基础上绑定数据即可 db::$data = [ "col_1" => "value_1", "col_2" => "update_2", "col_3" => "update_3", "col_4" => "update_4" ]; // 当上述上中col_1为主键时,value_1,将自动当WHERE条件,解析为: WHERE `col_1` = value_1,至少要存在一个主键 // 更新 db::save(); // 如果绑定$where条件,则上述主键效果将消失 db::$where = [opt...]; // 值的写法同上
// join表,绑定操作表与where绑定不再演示 db::$join = ["table_b"=>["table_a.id","table_b.aid","INNER","="]]; // 一维数组中的键名为连接表的表名,二维数组中前两个值为连接条件-必填项,第三个默认为INNER,第四个默认为= db::$join = ["table_b"=>"LEFT JOIN table_b ON table_a.id=table_b.aid"]; //当值为一个字符串时,将直接拼接 // 分组查询 db::$group = ["sex","age"]; // 值为要分组的列名字即可 db::$group = "sex" // 值为字符串时直接拼接为 GROUP BY sex // 排序 db::$order = ["id" => "DESC"]; // 关联数组将解析成 ORDER BY `id` DESC db::$order = ["id"]; // 索引数组将解析成 ORDER BY `id` ASC,默认为ASC排序 db::$order = "id"; // 字符串将解析成 ORDER BY id 自动拼接 // 分页 db::$limit = [0,10] // 存在两个值时将解析为 LIMIT 0,10; db::$limit = [1] // 存在一个值时将解析为 LIMIT 1; db::$limit = "0,20" // 字符串将解析为 LIMIT 0,20; // 查询 db::select(); // 多条 db::first(); // 第一条
db::count(); // count db::sum(); // sum db::avg(); // avg db::min(); // min db::max(); // max
db::begin(); // 开启事务 db::commit(); // 提交事务 db::rollBack(); // 回滚事务 db::setAttr($key, $val); // 设置PDO属性 db::dec(); // 字段自增,需绑定数据 db::$data = ["age"=>2]该自增步长为2,省略则默认为1 db::inc(); // 字段自增,需绑定数据 db::$data = ["age"=>2]该自减步长为2,省略则默认为1 db::do($sql, [$flag]); //执行一条SQL语句,不分查询还是执行,自动分配.第二个参数同下 db::query($sql,[$flag]); //执行一条有结果集的SQL语句, $flag 默认为false,为true是返回一条记录 db::exec($sql, [$flag]); //执行一条无结果集的SQL语句, $flag 默认为false,为true时返回insert语句的插入的ID,其他语句无效 // 执行拼接SQL可使用预处理绑定参数形式,然后绑定$bind即可 $sql = "UPDATE `tablename` SET col_a=:col_a WHERE id=:id"; db::$bind = [":col_a" => "update_a",":id"=>1]; db::do($sql); //或者 db::exec($sql); db::clear() // 该方法将重置$data,$field,$where,$order,$group,$limit,$join,$bind数据,默认每执行一次语句将自动重置 db::init([conf...], $reconnect = false); // conf数组的值可为数据库基本配置(host,user,pwd等) $reconnext为true是将重新连接mysql传参写法
// insert db::inster("tablename",[data...],$where); // delete db::del("tablename", $where); // update db::save("tablename", [data...], $where); // select db::select("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数可传入field,where,join,order,group,limit等信息 // first db::first("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // avg db::avg("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // count db::count("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // sum db::sum("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // min db::min("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // max db::max("tablename",[opt..]); //opt参数同上 // dec db::dec("tablename",[data..],$where); //参数说明同绑定参数 // inc db::inc("tablename",[data..],$where); //参数说明同绑定参数
本文出自个人博客 最好的安排 转载请注明出处!
摘要:而在项目开发中,我们想要的是一个更好用的可维护的工具,此时,对代码的封装模块化就显得尤为重要,于是出现了两种方案查询构造器,对象关系映射。典型环境下按照一般的查询构造器处理就行。 文章目录 写一个特殊的查询构造器 - (前言) 写一个特殊的查询构造器 - (一、程序结构,基础封装) 写一个特殊的查询构造器 - (二、第一条语句) 写一个特殊的查询构造器 - (三、条件查询) 写一个特殊...
摘要:问题描述我自己以扩展为基础,封装了一个异步任务服务器框架,数据库操作使用扩展,但是在插入数据的时候,出现了异常情况,具体状况如下表引擎的正常插入,没有问题表引擎查询都可以的,但是插入失败,出现回滚现象,字段变化,表的变化,正常返回解决过程监 问题描述 我自己以swoole扩展为基础,封装了一个异步任务服务器框架,数据库操作使用pdo扩展,但是在插入数据的时候,出现了异常情况,具体状况如...
摘要:第三步注册工厂启动数据库服务数据库服务的启动主要设置的连接分析器,让能够用服务连接数据库。 在我们学习和使用一个开发框架时,无论使用什么框架,如何连接数据库、对数据库进行增删改查都是学习的重点,在Laravel中我们可以通过两种方式与数据库进行交互: DB, DB是与PHP底层的PDO直接进行交互的,通过查询构建器提供了一个方便的接口来创建及运行数据库查询语句。 Eloquent...
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