当PHP 使用PDO访问数据库且脚本需要长时间执行时,频繁会遇见’ MySQL server has gone away’的错误。分析问题产生原因:因为脚本较长时间未与数据库进行通信,导致数据库连接超时与服务器断开连接导致,这时使用断开的数据库连接操作数据库(CRUD),就会产生’ MySQLserver has gone away’的错误提示。解决之道在于长时间运行的脚本需要与服务器保持心跳,一旦检测到连接断开,则需要重新连接数据库。
class DBConnection
const RECHECK_FREQUENCY = 300;// 5 minutes private static $instance = null; private $dbh = NULL; private $lastCheckTime = 0; private function __construct() { $this->lastCheckTime =time(); } public static function instance() { if (NULL ==self ::$instance) { self:: $instance =newDBConnection(); } return self::$instance; } public function dbh() { $this->ensureConnection2(); return $this->dbh; } private function ensureConnection() { if (is_null($this->dbh)) return $this->makeConnection(); try { $status = $this->dbh->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_INFO); error_log("MySQL server checked been there"); } catch(PDOException$e) { if((int)$e->errorInfo[1]== 2006 &&$e->errorInfo[2] == "MySQLserver has gone away") { error_log("MySQLserver has gone away, try to reconnection..."); return $this->makeConnection(); } error_log("Get db server attribute failed: " .$e->getMessage()); } return $this->dbh; } private function ensureConnection2() { if (is_null($this->dbh)) return $this->makeConnection(); try { $now = time(); if ($now -$this->lastCheckTime> self::RECHECK_FREQUENCY) { $this->lastCheckTime =$now; $status = $this->dbh->query("select1"); error_log("MySQL server checked been there"); } } catch(PDOException$e) { if((int)$e->errorInfo[1]== 2006 &&$e->errorInfo[2] == "MySQLserver has gone away") { error_log("MySQL server has gone away, try to reconnection..."); return $this->makeConnection(); } error_log("Get db server attribute failed: " .$e->getMessage()); } return $this->dbh; } private function makeConnection() { try { $options = array ( PDO:: MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "set names "utf8"", PDO:: ATTR_PERSISTENT => false, PDO:: ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); $this->dbh = new PDO(DB_DSN, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, $options); return $this->dbh; } catch (PDOException$e) { error_log("Connection failed: " .$e->getMessage()); exit(); } return null; }
摘要:直接在上执行语句,报错搜索得知当客户端或服务器收到大于字节的信息包时,将发出信息包过大错误,并关闭连接。对于某些客户端,如果通信信息包过大,在执行查询期间,可能会遇到丢失与服务器的连接错误。 接手了同事的项目,其中有一个功能是保存邮件模板(包含图片),同事之前的做法是把图片进行base64编码然后存在mysql数据库中(字段类型为mediumtext)然后保存三张图片(大概400k)的...
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