FZF and VIM 前言
fzf本身并不是一个vim 插件,本来作者只提供了基本的wrapper函数(比如fzf#run). 但后来作者发现很多人并不熟悉VIMScript, 所以就创建一个默认的vim plugin.
vundleset rtp+=/home/harriszh/.fzf/ ... Plugin "junegunn/fzf.vim"vim-plug
Plug "/usr/local/opt/fzf" Plug "junegunn/fzf.vim"
如果你希望通过vim-plug来安装fzf, 那么使用下面设置
Plug "junegunn/fzf", { "dir": "~/.fzf", "do": "./install --all" } Plug "junegunn/fzf.vim"vim下支持的命令
这些命令都是FZF调用某个工具产生文件,文件内容, tag, comment, command,然后FZF用一个小窗口把它们显示出来,用户就可以用模糊搜索的方式来选择一个或多个选项,按下enter键后就可以用VIM打开它们或跳转到相应的行。
如Files针对的就是文件, GFiles针对的就是git文件
Command | List |
Files [PATH] | 普通文件查找 (similar to :FZF) |
GFiles [OPTS] | git文件查找 (git ls-files) |
GFiles? | git文件查找 (git status) |
Buffers | buffer文件切换 |
Colors | Color schemes |
Ag [PATTERN] | ag search result (ALT-A to select all, ALT-D to deselect all) |
Lines [QUERY] | 加载的所有buffer里查找 |
BLines [QUERY] | 在当前buffer里查找包含某关键词的行 |
Tags [QUERY] | 以Tag查找 (ctags -R) |
BTags [QUERY] | Tags in the current buffer |
Marks | Marks |
Windows | Windows |
Locate PATTERN | locate command output |
History | v:oldfiles and open buffers |
History: | 命令历史查找 |
History/ | Search history |
Snippets | Snippets (UltiSnips) |
Commits | Git commits (requires fugitive.vim) |
BCommits | Git commits for the current buffer |
Commands | Commands |
Maps | Normal mode mappings |
Helptags | Help tags 1 |
Filetypes | File types |
command! -bang -nargs=* Rg call fzf#vim#grep( "rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case ".shellescape(), 1, 0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview("up:60%") : fzf#vim#with_preview("right:50%:hidden", "?"), 0)
上面的命令都可以通过ctrl-t, ctrl-x, ctrl-v来在new tab, new split, new vsplit窗口打开
" This is the default extra key bindings let g:fzf_action = { "ctrl-t": "tab split", "ctrl-x": "split", "ctrl-v": "vsplit" } " Default fzf layout " - down / up / left / right let g:fzf_layout = { "down": "~40%" } " In Neovim, you can set up fzf window using a Vim command let g:fzf_layout = { "window": "enew" } let g:fzf_layout = { "window": "-tabnew" } let g:fzf_layout = { "window": "10split enew" } " Customize fzf colors to match your color scheme let g:fzf_colors = { "fg": ["fg", "Normal"], "bg": ["bg", "Normal"], "hl": ["fg", "Comment"], "fg+": ["fg", "CursorLine", "CursorColumn", "Normal"], "bg+": ["bg", "CursorLine", "CursorColumn"], "hl+": ["fg", "Statement"], "info": ["fg", "PreProc"], "border": ["fg", "Ignore"], "prompt": ["fg", "Conditional"], "pointer": ["fg", "Exception"], "marker": ["fg", "Keyword"], "spinner": ["fg", "Label"], "header": ["fg", "Comment"] } " Enable per-command history. " CTRL-N and CTRL-P will be automatically bound to next-history and " previous-history instead of down and up. If you don"t like the change, " explicitly bind the keys to down and up in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS. let g:fzf_history_dir = "~/.local/share/fzf-history"本地设定
" [Buffers] 如果可能跳到已存在窗口 let g:fzf_buffers_jump = 1 " [[B]Commits] 自定义被"git log"使用的选项 let g:fzf_commits_log_options = "--graph --color=always --format="%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(black)%C(bold)%cr"" " [Tags] 定义用来产生tag的命令 let g:fzf_tags_command = "ctags -R" " [Commands] --expect expression for directly executing the command let g:fzf_commands_expect = "alt-enter,ctrl-x"高级定制
" Command for git grep " - fzf#vim#grep(command, with_column, [options], [fullscreen]) command! -bang -nargs=* GGrep call fzf#vim#grep( "git grep --line-number ".shellescape(映射), 0, { "dir": systemlist("git rev-parse --show-toplevel")[0] }, 0) " Override Colors command. You can safely do this in your .vimrc as fzf.vim " will not override existing commands. command! -bang Colors call fzf#vim#colors({"left": "15%", "options": "--reverse --margin 30%,0"}, 0) " Augmenting Ag command using fzf#vim#with_preview function " * fzf#vim#with_preview([[options], preview window, [toggle keys...]]) " * For syntax-highlighting, Ruby and any of the following tools are required: " - Highlight: http://www.andre-simon.de/doku/highlight/en/highlight.php " - CodeRay: http://coderay.rubychan.de/ " - Rouge: https://github.com/jneen/rouge " " :Ag - Start fzf with hidden preview window that can be enabled with "?" key " :Ag! - Start fzf in fullscreen and display the preview window above command! -bang -nargs=* Ag call fzf#vim#ag( , 0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview("up:60%") : fzf#vim#with_preview("right:50%:hidden", "?"), 0) " Similarly, we can apply it to fzf#vim#grep. To use ripgrep instead of ag: command! -bang -nargs=* Rg call fzf#vim#grep( "rg --column --line-number --no-heading --color=always --smart-case ".shellescape( ), 1, 0 ? fzf#vim#with_preview("up:60%") : fzf#vim#with_preview("right:50%:hidden", "?"), 0) " Likewise, Files command with preview window command! -bang -nargs=? -complete=dir Files call fzf#vim#files( , fzf#vim#with_preview(), 0)
Mapping | Description |
Normal mode mappings | |
Insert mode mappings | |
Visual mode mappings | |
Operator-pending mappings | |
cat /usr/share/dict/words | |
Path completion using find (file + dir) | |
File completion using find | |
File completion using ag | |
Line completion (all open buffers) | |
Line completion (current buffer only) |
" Mapping selecting mappings nmap创建自己的插件(fzf-maps-n) xmap (fzf-maps-x) omap (fzf-maps-o) " Insert mode completion imap (fzf-complete-word) imap (fzf-complete-path) imap (fzf-complete-file-ag) imap (fzf-complete-line) " Advanced customization using autoload functions inoremap fzf#vim#complete#word({"left": "15%"})
fzf#run()是vim集成的核心函数,它接受一个字典变量作为输入, 你至少要通过sink选项来告诉fzf如何处理选中的条目。
call fzf#run({"sink": "tabedit", "options": "--multi --reverse"}) call fzf#run({"source": "git ls-files", "sink": "e", "right": "40%"}) call fzf#run({"source": map(split(globpath(&rtp, "colors/*.vim")), "fnamemodify(v:val, ":t:r")"), "sink": "colo", "left": "25%"})
Option name | Type | Description |
source | string | External command to generate input to fzf (e.g. find .) |
source | list | Vim list as input to fzf |
sink | string | Vim command to handle the selected item (e.g. e, tabe) |
sink | funcref | Reference to function to process each selected item |
sink* | funcref | Similar to sink, but takes the list of output lines at once |
options | string | Options to fzf |
dir | string | Working directory |
up/down/left/right | number/string | Use tmux pane with the given size (e.g. 20, 50%) |
window (Neovim only) | string | Command to open fzf window (e.g. vertical aboveleft 30new) |
launcher | string | External terminal emulator to start fzf with (GVim only) |
launcher | funcref | Function for generating launcher string (GVim only) |
fzf#vim#complete是一个helper函数,用来创建自己的自动补全功能。 如果第一个参数是一个命令字符或一个vim list, 那么它会被用作source.
" Replace the default dictionary completion with fzf-based fuzzy completion inoremapfzf#vim#complete("cat /usr/share/dict/words")
reducer (funcref)
prefix (funcref or string; default: k*$)
source或options可以是一个函数引用, 它用prefix作为输入参数,返回最终的值
" 全局补全 (不仅仅是buffers. 需要安装ripgrep) inoremapfzf#vim#complete(fzf#wrap({ "prefix": "^.*$", "source": "rg -n ^ --color always", "options": "--ansi --delimiter : --nth 3..", "reducer": { lines -> join(split(lines[0], ":zs")[2:], "") }}))
function! s:make_sentence(lines) return substitute(join(a:lines), "^.", "=toupper(submatch(0))", "")."." endfunction inoremap总结fzf#vim#complete({ "source": "cat /usr/share/dict/words", "reducer": function(" make_sentence"), "options": "--multi --reverse --margin 15%,0", "left": 20})
摘要:参考官网参考使用全指南安装直接在插件管理器中其中会把命令行软件安装到本机的目录中,然后在中就可以直接通过执行来使用命令搜索文件了。使用最简单的话,直接在中输入命令就会弹出当前目录下的所有文件列表,然后可以各种模糊搜索,按和上下选择。 不同于Command-T只能用于VIM,大名鼎鼎的fzf是命令行工具,而且只在VIM中使用的话也不需要手动去编译任何依赖,直接用插件管理器安装即可立马使用...
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