Ocean.one是基于Mixin Network的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。
你可以在OceanOne上交易任何资产,只需要将你的币转给OceanOne, 将交易信息写在交易的memo里,OceanOne会在市场里列出你的交易需求,
支持所有Mixin Network上能够转账的资产,所有的ERC20 EOS代币。
预备知识:你先需要创建一个机器人, 方法在 教程一.
安装依赖包我们需要依赖 msgpack5 and mixin-node-client ,第四章 已经做过介绍, 你应该先安装过它了.
充币到 Mixin Network, 并读出它的余额.此处演示用 USDT购买BTC 或者 用BTC购买USDT。交易前,先检查一下钱包地址。
if ( args.type === TYPE_WALLET_ASSETS_INFO ) { const assetsInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAssets(); console.log("-AssetID--Asset--Balance--public_key--"); assetsInfo.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.asset_id + " " + element.symbol + " " + element.balance + " " + element.public_key + " " + element.account_name + " " + element.account_tag ); }); // console.log(assetsInfo); }取得Ocean.one的市场价格信息
if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_FETCH_BTC_USDT ) { FetchOceanOneMarketInfos(BTC_ASSET_ID, USDT_ASSET_ID); } function FetchOceanOneMarketInfos(asset_id, base_asset) { var instance = axios.create({ baseURL: "https://events.ocean.one/markets/" + asset_id + "-" + base_asset + "/book", timeout: 3000, headers: {"X-Custom-Header": "foobar"} }); instance.get() .then(function(response) { console.log("--Price--Amount--Funds--Side") response.data.data.data.asks.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.price + " " + element.amount + " " + element.funds + " " + element.side); }); response.data.data.data.bids.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.price + " " + element.amount + " " + element.funds + " " + element.side); }); // console.log(response.data.data.data.asks); }); }交易前,创建一个Memo!
在第二章里,基于Mixin Network的 Nodejs 比特币开发教程: 机器人接受比特币并立即退还用户, 我们学习过转帐,这儿我们介绍如何告诉Ocean.one,我们给它转帐的目的是什么,信息全部放在memo里.
Side 方向,"B" 或者 "A", "B"是购买, "A"是出售.
AssetUuid 目标虚拟资产的UUID.
Price 价格,如果操作方向是"B", 价格就是AssetUUID的价格; 如果操作方向是"B", 价格就是转给Ocean.one币的价格.
function GenerateOceanMemo(targetAsset,side,price) { const bytes = Buffer.from( targetAsset.replace(/-/g, ""), "hex" ); const memo = msgpack .encode({ S: side, A: bytes, P: price, T: "L", }) .toString("base64"); console.log(memo); return memo; }
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_BUY_XIN_USDT ) { var prompts = [ { name: "price", type: "input", message: "Input the price of XIN/USDT: ", }, ]; price = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); var prompts = [ { name: "amount", type: "input", message: "Input the amount of USDT: ", }, ]; amount = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); console.log(price); console.log(amount); const memo = GenerateOceanMemo(XIN_ASSET_ID,"B",price.price); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(USDT_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet "s USDT balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= amount.amount && assetInfo.balance >= 1 ) { const Obj = { assetId: USDT_ASSET_ID, recipientId: OCEANONE_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: amount.amount, memo: memo, } const transInfo = await newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); console.log(transInfo); console.log("The Order id is " + transInfo.trace_id + " It is needed to cancel the order!"); } else { console.log("Not enough USDT!"); } }出售XIN的例子
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_SELL_XIN_USDT ) { var prompts = [ { name: "price", type: "input", message: "Input the price of XIN/USDT: ", }, ]; price = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); var prompts = [ { name: "amount", type: "input", message: "Input the amount of XIN: ", }, ]; amount = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); console.log(price); console.log(amount); const memo = GenerateOceanMemo(XIN_ASSET_ID,"A",price.price); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(BTC_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet "s USDT balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= amount.amount ) { const Obj = { assetId: XIN_ASSET_ID, recipientId: OCEANONE_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: amount.amount, memo: memo, } const transInfo = await newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); console.log(transInfo); console.log("The Order id is " + transInfo.trace_id + " It is needed to cancel the order!"); } else { console.log("Not enough XIN!"); } }
? Input the price of XIN/USDT: 160 ? Input the amount of USDT: 1 { price: "160" } { amount: "1" } hKFToUKhQcQQgVsLGidkNzaPqkLWlPpiCqFQozE2MKFUoUw= The Wallet "s USDT balance is 1.995101 { type: "transfer", snapshot_id: "14f144e4-0bd5-43aa-a7d4-70e7d5c695b0", opponent_id: "aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4", asset_id: "815b0b1a-2764-3736-8faa-42d694fa620a", amount: "-1", trace_id: "d34f881b-4460-42d3-af91-551f97b20f74", memo: "hKFToUKhQcQQgVsLGidkNzaPqkLWlPpiCqFQozE2MKFUoUw=", created_at: "2019-05-10T07:18:21.130357698Z", counter_user_id: "aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4" } The Order id is d34f881b-4460-42d3-af91-551f97b20f74 It is needed to cancel the order!取消挂单
Ocean.one将trace_id当做订单,比如上面的例子, d34f881b-4460-42d3-af91-551f97b20f74 就是订单号,我们用他来取消订单。
else if ( args.type === TYPE_OO_CANCEL_ORDER ) { const prompts = [ { name: "order_id", type: "input", message: "Input iso8601 datetime: ", }, ]; answers = await inquirer.prompt(prompts); const memo = GenerateOceanCancelMemo(answers.order_id); const assetInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAsset(CNB_ASSET_ID); console.log("The Wallet "s USDT balance is ", assetInfo.balance); if ( assetInfo.balance >= 0.00000001 ) { const Obj = { assetId: CNB_ASSET_ID, recipientId: OCEANONE_BOT, traceId: newUserClient.getUUID(), amount: "0.00000001", memo: memo, } const transInfo = await newUserClient.transferFromBot(Obj); console.log(transInfo); } else { console.log("Not enough CNB!"); } }通过读取资产余额,来确认到帐情况
const assetsInfo = await newUserClient.getUserAssets(); console.log("-AssetID--Asset--Balance--public_key--"); assetsInfo.forEach(function(element) { console.log(element.asset_id + " " + element.symbol + " " + element.balance + " " + element.public_key + " " + element.account_name + " " + element.account_tag ); });源代码执行
[x] node bitcoin-wallet-nodejs.js 运行.
Make your choose(select the uuid for open the specified wallet): 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the : 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
You select the wallet 0b10471b-1aed-3944-9eda-5ab947562761
Make your choose (Use arrow keys)
❯ aw: Read Wallet All Asssets Information
ab: Read Bot All Asssets Information
19: Fetch BTC/USDT order book
20: Fetch XIN/USDT order book
21: Fetch ERC20/USDT order book
22: Sell BTC/USDT
23: Sell XIN/USDT
24: Sell ERC20/USDT
25: Buy BTC/USDT
26: Buy XIN/USDT
27: Buy ERC20/USDT
28: Cancel the order
摘要:完整的步骤如下检查比特币或的余额,钱包地址。比特币的到帐时间是个区块的高度,约分钟。 通过 Nodejs 买卖Bitcoin showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018771566?w=1200&h=659); Github Repo 方案一: 通过ExinCore API进行币币交易 Exincore 提供了基于Mix...
摘要:方案二在去中心化交易所上挂单买卖是基于的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。完整的步骤如下检查比特币或的余额,钱包地址。比特币的到帐时间是个区块的高度,约分钟。 showImg(https://github.com/wenewzhang/mixin_labs-csharp-bot/raw/master/BItcoin_C%23.jpg); 上一章介绍了Exincore,你可以1秒完成资产的市价...
摘要:比特币的到帐时间是个区块的高度,约分钟。请注意,比特币与的地址是一样的。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018419614?w=1200&h=659); 方案一: 通过ExinCore API进行币币交易 Exincore 提供了基于Mixin Network的币币交易API. 你可以支付USDT给ExinCore...
摘要:方案二挂单交易所是基于的去中心化交易所,它性能一流。完整的步骤如下检查比特币或的余额,钱包地址。比特币的到帐时间是个区块的高度,约分钟。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019234638?w=1200&h=659);上一章介绍了Exincore,你可以1秒完成资产的市价买卖。如果你想限定价格买卖,或者买卖一些exi...
摘要:比特币的到帐时间是个区块的高度,约分钟。请注意,比特币与的地址是一样的。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019234638?w=1200&h=659); 方案一: 通过ExinCore API进行币币交易 Exincore 提供了基于Mixin Network的币币交易API. 你可以支付USDT给ExinCore...
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