直接调用create_native_account 方法直接进行创建。并将资源设置成无限。
void create_native_account( account_name name, const authority& owner, const authority& active, bool is_privileged = false ) { //create account 直接创建账号,不会做任何资源判断,因为创建的是系统账号 db.create([&](auto& a) { a.name = name; a.creation_date = conf.genesis.initial_timestamp; a.privileged = is_privileged; if( name == config::system_account_name ) { a.set_abi(eosio_contract_abi(abi_def())); } }); db.create ([&](auto & a) { a.name = name; }); const auto& owner_permission = authorization.create_permission(name, config::owner_name, 0, owner, conf.genesis.initial_timestamp ); const auto& active_permission = authorization.create_permission(name, config::active_name, owner_permission.id, active, conf.genesis.initial_timestamp ); //初始化账号资源,但是初始化赋值只赋了resource_limits_object的owner值,其他cpu,ram,net等资源默认是-1,也就是unlimit。 resource_limits.initialize_account(name); int64_t ram_delta = config::overhead_per_account_ram_bytes; ram_delta += 2*config::billable_size_v ; ram_delta += owner_permission.auth.get_billable_size(); ram_delta += active_permission.auth.get_billable_size(); resource_limits.add_pending_ram_usage(name, ram_delta); resource_limits.verify_account_ram_usage(name); } void resource_limits_manager::initialize_account(const account_name& account) { _db.create ([&]( resource_limits_object& bl ) { bl.owner = account; }); _db.create ([&]( resource_usage_object& bu ) { bu.owner = account; }); } /** * Every account that authorizes a transaction is billed for the full size of that transaction. This object * tracks the average usage of that account. */ struct resource_limits_object : public chainbase::object { OBJECT_CTOR(resource_limits_object) id_type id; account_name owner; bool pending = false; int64_t net_weight = -1; int64_t cpu_weight = -1; int64_t ram_bytes = -1; };
第二种:cleos create account 方式创建账号,调用的是eosio的默认合约,但该方式在eosio 部署了eosio.system后不可用。 因为默认合约被替换掉。eosio的默认合约是来自源码提前定义好的。
跟第一种一样,同样是将资源的使用权设置为无限。 下一次再介绍eosio默认合约的形成原理,以及调用流程。
/** * This method is called assuming precondition_system_newaccount succeeds a */ void apply_eosio_newaccount(apply_context& context) { auto create = context.act.data_as(); try { context.require_authorization(create.creator); // context.require_write_lock( config::eosio_auth_scope ); auto& authorization = context.control.get_mutable_authorization_manager(); //判断公钥是否合法。 EOS_ASSERT( validate(create.owner), action_validate_exception, "Invalid owner authority"); EOS_ASSERT( validate(create.active), action_validate_exception, "Invalid active authority"); auto& db = context.db; auto name_str = name(create.name).to_string(); //判断account name的合法性 EOS_ASSERT( !create.name.empty(), action_validate_exception, "account name cannot be empty" ); EOS_ASSERT( name_str.size() <= 12, action_validate_exception, "account names can only be 12 chars long" ); // Check if the creator is privileged //只有eosio才能创建eosio.为前缀的账号。 const auto &creator = db.get (create.creator); if( !creator.privileged ) { EOS_ASSERT( name_str.find( "eosio." ) != 0, action_validate_exception, "only privileged accounts can have names that start with "eosio."" ); } //判断用户名是否存在。 auto existing_account = db.find (create.name); EOS_ASSERT(existing_account == nullptr, account_name_exists_exception, "Cannot create account named ${name}, as that name is already taken", ("name", create.name)); const auto& new_account = db.create ([&](auto& a) { a.name = create.name; a.creation_date = context.control.pending_block_time(); }); db.create ([&](auto& a) { a.name = create.name; }); for( const auto& auth : { create.owner, create.active } ){ validate_authority_precondition( context, auth ); } const auto& owner_permission = authorization.create_permission( create.name, config::owner_name, 0, std::move(create.owner) ); const auto& active_permission = authorization.create_permission( create.name, config::active_name, owner_permission.id, std::move(create.active) ); context.control.get_mutable_resource_limits_manager().initialize_account(create.name); int64_t ram_delta = config::overhead_per_account_ram_bytes; ram_delta += 2*config::billable_size_v ; ram_delta += owner_permission.auth.get_billable_size(); ram_delta += active_permission.auth.get_billable_size(); context.trx_context.add_ram_usage(create.name, ram_delta); } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW( (create) ) }
跟第一种一样,同样是将资源的使用权设置为无限。 下一次再介绍当没有部署eosio.system合约时,eosio默认合约的形成原理。
第三种:当部署eosio.system合约时,创建账号都必须使用该合约的newaccount的action。 值得一提的是用第三种方式创建时,第二种方式的apply_eosio_newaccount也会执行。
void native::newaccount( account_name creator, account_name newact /* no need to parse authorities const authority& owner, const authority& active*/ ) { //当creator 不是eosio时,需要判断创建者的资源以及低于12个字符的名字是否通过拍卖。 if( creator != _self ) { auto tmp = newact >> 4; bool has_dot = false; for( uint32_t i = 0; i < 12; ++i ) { has_dot |= !(tmp & 0x1f); tmp >>= 5; } if( has_dot ) { // or is less than 12 characters auto suffix = eosio::name_suffix(newact); if( suffix == newact ) { name_bid_table bids(_self,_self); auto current = bids.find( newact ); eosio_assert( current != bids.end(), "no active bid for name" ); eosio_assert( current->high_bidder == creator, "only highest bidder can claim" ); eosio_assert( current->high_bid < 0, "auction for name is not closed yet" ); bids.erase( current ); } else { eosio_assert( creator == suffix, "only suffix may create this account" ); } } } user_resources_table userres( _self, newact); userres.emplace( newact, [&]( auto& res ) { res.owner = newact; }); //将账号资源初始化为0,不购买资源无法进行相关动作 set_resource_limits( newact, 0, 0, 0 ); }
摘要:最近笔者在写完智能合约,想要写一些测试案例,但是自带的单元测试用起来不是很方便。是基于的智能合约测试框架,它的实现方式其实就是去调用来与端进行交互,利用的单元测试工具来做测试,的使用读者可以自行去了解哈,这里笔者就不赘述了。 最近笔者在写完智能合约,想要写一些测试案例,但是 eos 自带的单元测试用起来不是很方便。平常用 cleos 测试的体验感其实挺不错,所以笔者设想有一种是用 cl...
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