译文GitHub https://github.com/yuansir/diving-laravel-zh
原文链接 https://divinglaravel.com/task-scheduling/preventing-overlapping
Sometimes a scheduled job takes more time to run than what we initially expected, and this causes another instance of the job to start while the first one is not done yet, for example imagine that we run a job that generates a report every minute, after sometime when the data gets huge the report generation might take more than 1 minute so another instance of that job starts while the first is still ongoing.
In most scenarios this is fine, but sometimes this should be prevented in order to guarantee correct data or prevent a high server resources consumption, so let"s see how you can prevent such scenario in laravel:
Laravel will check for the ConsoleSchedulingEvent::withoutOverlapping class property and if it"s set to true it"ll try to create a mutex for the job, and will only run the job if creating a mutex was possible.
Laravel将检查 ConsoleSchedulingEvent::withoutOverlapping 类属性,如果设置为true,它将尝试为作业创建互斥,并且只有在创建互斥的情况下才能运行该作业。
But what"s a mutex? 但是上面是互斥?Here"s the most interesting explanation I could find online:
When I am having a big heated discussion at work, I use a rubber chicken which I keep in my desk for just such occasions. The person holding the chicken is the only person who is allowed to talk. If you don"t hold the chicken you cannot speak. You can only indicate that you want the chicken and wait until you get it before you speak. Once you have finished speaking, you can hand the chicken back to the moderator who will hand it to the next person to speak. This ensures that people do not speak over each other, and also have their own space to talk. Replace Chicken with Mutex and person with thread and you basically have the concept of a mutex.-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34524/what-is-a-mutex/34558#34558
当我在工作中进行热烈的讨论时,我使用一只橡胶鸡,我在这样的场合放在桌子上。 持有鸡的人是唯一被允许谈话的人。 如果你不握鸡,你不会说话。 你只能指示你想要鸡,等到你说话之前才能得到它。 一旦你完成演讲,你可以将鸡回到主持人,他将把它交给下一个人说话。 这样可以确保人们互不说话,也有自己的空间。 用线替换鸡与互斥和人,你基本上有一个互斥的概念。
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34524/what-is-a-mutex/34558#34558
So Laravel creates a mutex when the job starts the very first time, and then every time the job runs it checks if the mutex exists and only runs the job if it doesn"t.
Here"s what happens inside the withoutOverlapping method:
这里是 withoutOverlapping 方法中做的事
public function withoutOverlapping() { $this->withoutOverlapping = true; return $this->then(function () { $this->mutex->forget($this); })->skip(function () { return $this->mutex->exists($this); }); }
So Laravel creates a filter-callback method that instructs the Schedule Manager to ignore the task if a mutex still exists, it also creates an after-callback that clears the mutex after an instance of the task is done.
因此,Laravel创建一个filter-callback方法,指示Schedule Manager忽略任务,如果互斥仍然存在,它还会创建一个在完成任务实例后清除互斥的回调。
Also before running the job, Laravel does the following check inside the ConsoleSchedulingEvent::run() method:
if ($this->withoutOverlapping && ! $this->mutex->create($this)) { return; }Where does the mutex property come from? 互斥体属性来自哪里?
While the instance of ConsoleSchedulingSchedule is being instantiated, laravel checks if an implementation to the ConsoleSchedulingMutex interface was bound to the container, if yes it uses that instance but if not it uses an instance of ConsoleSchedulingCacheMutex:
当 ConsoleSchedulingSchedule 的实例被实例化时,laravel会检查 ConsoleSchedulingMutex 接口的实现是否绑定到容器,如果是,则使用该实例,如果不是,使用ConsoleSchedulingCacheMutex实例:
$this->mutex = $container->bound(Mutex::class) ? $container->make(Mutex::class) : $container->make(CacheMutex::class);
Now while the Schedule Manager is registering your events it"ll pass an instance of the mutex:
现在,Schedule Manager正在注册你的事件,它会传递互斥的一个实例:
$this->events[] = new Event($this->mutex, $command);
By default Laravel uses a cache-based mutex, but you can override that and implement your own mutex approach & bind it to the container.
The cache-based mutex 基于缓存的互斥The CacheMutex class contains 3 simple methods, it uses the event mutex name as a cache key:
CacheMutex 类包含3个简单的方法,它使用事件互斥名作为缓存键:
public function create(Event $event) { return $this->cache->add($event->mutexName(), true, 1440); } public function exists(Event $event) { return $this->cache->has($event->mutexName()); } public function forget(Event $event) { $this->cache->forget($event->mutexName()); }Mutex removal after task finishes 任务完成后的互斥删除
As we"ve seen before, the manager registers an after-callback that removes the mutex after the task is done, for a task that runs a command on the OS that might be enough to ensure that the mutex is cleared, but for a callback task the script might die while executing the callback, so to prevent that an extra fallback was added in ConsoleSchedulingCallbackEvent::run():
如前所述,管理器注册一个在完成任务之后删除互斥的回调,对于在操作系统上运行命令的任务可能足以确保互斥被清除,但是对于回调 执行回调时脚本可能会死机,所以为了防止这种情况在 ConsoleSchedulingCallbackEvent::run()中添加了一个额外的回退:
register_shutdown_function(function () { $this->removeMutex(); });
转载请注明: 转载自Ryan是菜鸟 | LNMP技术栈笔记
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本文链接地址: 剖析Laravel计划任务--避免重复
摘要:表示该工作应该在每个月日上午运行这里还有一些其他的示例表示工作应该在星期三每分钟运行一次。表示该工作应该每天在凌晨点和点运行两次。方法调用的实例作为唯一的参数,这是用于记录您提供的作业的计划任务管理器,并决定每次守护进程应该运行什么。 译文GitHub https://github.com/yuansir/diving-laravel-zh 原文链接 https://divinglar...
摘要:所以在这里创建一个事件的两个实际方法是通过调用或,第一个提交一个的实例,后者提交来做一些特殊处理。那么会用表达式检查命令是否到期吗恰恰相反,使用库来确定命令是否基于当前系统时间相对于我们设置的时区。 译文GitHub https://github.com/yuansir/diving-laravel-zh 原文链接 https://divinglaravel.com/task-sche...
摘要:译文原文链接在启动计划任务的事件的时候,的进度管理器在对象上调用方法,表示该事件发生在内。在方法里面定义每一个命令的互斥所以它是事件的表达式和命令字符串的组合。 译文GitHub https://github.com/yuansir/diving-laravel-zh 原文链接 https://divinglaravel.com/task-scheduling/building-and...
摘要:也就是说,这仅仅是计划在未来某一个时间执行某个任务,并不能保证精确的时间。重复执行问题这个方法执行时仅当没有该计时器的其他代码示例时才进行下一轮的执行。这样的规则就会导致某些间隔会被跳过,同时多个间隔可能比预期时间要短。 写在前面,最近在准备校招,陆陆续续做一些之前的总结,写了一个小系列的文章,想借此机会记录下来,也能以后有个地方能进行查阅,上一篇文章在css基础总结希望能帮助一下和我...
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