Laravel receives a request, does some work, and then returns a response to the user, this is the normal synchronous workflow of a web server handling a request, but sometimes you need to do some work behind the scenes that doesn"t interrupt or slowdown this flow, say for example sending an invoice email to the user after making an order, you don"t want the user to wait until the mail server receives the request, builds the email message, and then dispatches it to the user, instead you"d want to show a "Thank You!" screen to the user so that he can continue with his life while the email is being prepared and sent in the background.
Laravel is shipped with a built-in queue system that helps you run tasks in the background & configure how the system should react in different situation using a very simple API.
You can manage your queue configurations in config/queue.php, by default it has a few connections that use different queue drivers, as you can see you can have several queue connections in your project and use multiple queue drivers too.
您可以在 config/queue.php中管理队列配置,默认情况下它有使用不同队列驱动的几个连接,您可以看到项目中可以有多个队列连接,也可以使用多个队列驱动程序。
We"ll be looking into the different configurations down the road, but let"s first take a look at the API:
Queue::push(new SendInvoice($order)); return redirect("thank-you");
The Queue facade here proxies to the queue container alias, if we take a look at QueueQueueServiceProvider we can see how this alias is registered:
队列Queue facade 是 queue 容器别名,如果我们看看QueueQueueServiceProvider ,我们可以看到这个别名是如何注册的:
protected function registerManager() { $this->app->singleton("queue", function ($app) { return tap(new QueueManager($app), function ($manager) { $this->registerConnectors($manager); }); }); }
So the Queue facade proxies to the QueueQueueManager class that"s registered as a singleton in the container, we also register the connectors to different queue drivers that Laravel supports using registerConnectors():
所以 Queue facade 代理到在容器中注册为 QueueQueueManager 类的单例,我们还将连接器注册到Laravel所支持使用的registerConnectors()的不同队列驱动程序中:
public function registerConnectors($manager) { foreach (["Null", "Sync", "Database", "Redis", "Beanstalkd", "Sqs"] as $connector) { $this->{"register{$connector}Connector"}($manager); } }
This method simply calls the register{DriverName}Connector method, for example it registers a Redis connector:
该方法只需调用注册 register{DriverName}Connector方法,例如注册一个Redis连接器:
protected function registerRedisConnector($manager) { $manager->addConnector("redis", function () { return new RedisConnector($this->app["redis"]); }); }
The addConnector() method stores the values to a QueueManager::$connectors class property.
A connector is just a class that contains a connect() method which creates an instance of the desired driver on demand, here"s how the method looks like inside QueueConnectorsRedisConnector:
addConnector() 方法将值存储到 QueueManager::$connectors 类属性。
连接器只是一个类,它包含一个 connect() 方法,它根据需要创建所需驱动的一个实例,方法看起来像在QueueConnectorsRedisConnector里面:
public function connect(array $config) { return new RedisQueue( $this->redis, $config["queue"], Arr::get($config, "connection", $this->connection), Arr::get($config, "retry_after", 60) ); }
So now The QueueManager is registered into the container and it knows how to connect to the different built-in queue drivers, if we look at that class we"ll find a __call() magic method at the end:
所以现在QueueManager被注册到容器中,它知道如何连接到不同的内置队列驱动,如果我们看下这个类,我们将在最后找到一个__call() 魔术方法:
public function __call($method, $parameters) { return $this->connection()->$method(...$parameters); }
All calls to methods that don"t exist in the QueueManager class will be sent to the loaded driver, for example when we called the Queue::push() method, what happened is that the manager selected the desired queue driver, connected to it, and called the push method on that driver.
对 QueueManager 类中不存在的方法的所有调用将被发送到加载的驱动中,例如当我们调用 Queue::push() 方法时,所发生的是manager选择了连接到它的所需队列驱动 ,并在该驱动上调用 push 方法。
How does the manager know which driver to pick? 管理器如何知道要选哪个驱动?Let"s take a look at the connection() method:
让我们看下 connection() 方法
public function connection($name = null) { $name = $name ?: $this->getDefaultDriver(); if (! isset($this->connections[$name])) { $this->connections[$name] = $this->resolve($name); $this->connections[$name]->setContainer($this->app); } return $this->connections[$name]; }
When no connection name specified, Laravel will use the default queue connection as per the config files, the getDefaultDriver() returns the value of config/queue.php["default"]:
当没有指定连接名称时,Laravel将根据配置文件使用默认队列连接, getDefaultDriver() 返回config/queue.php["default"]的值:
public function getDefaultDriver() { return $this->app["config"]["queue.default"]; }
Once a driver name is defined the manager will check if that driver was loaded before, only if it wasn"t it starts to connect to that driver and load it using the resolve() method:
一旦定义了驱动名称,管理器将检查该驱动是否已被加载,只有当它不是开始连接到该驱动程序并使用 resolve() 方法加载它时:
protected function resolve($name) { $config = $this->getConfig($name); return $this->getConnector($config["driver"]) ->connect($config) ->setConnectionName($name); }
First it loads the configuration of the selected connection from your config/queue.php file, then it locates the connector to the selected driver, calls the connect() method on it, and finally sets the connection name for further use.
首先从 config/queue.php 文件加载所选连接的配置,然后将连接器定位到所选驱动,调用 connect() 方法,最后设置连接名称以供进一步使用。
Now we know where to find the push method 现在我们知道在哪里可以找到push方法Yes, when you do Queue::push() you"re actually calling the push method on the queue driver you"re using, each driver handles the different operations in its own way but Laravel provides you a unified interface that you can use to give the queue manager instructions despite of what driver you use.
是的,当您执行 Queue::push() 时,您正在使用的队列驱动中调用 push 方法,每个驱动以其自己的方式处理不同的操作,但Laravel为您提供了一个统一的接口,您可以使用它告诉队列管理器你使用了什么驱动程序。
What if I want to use a driver that"s not built-in? 如果我想使用不是内置的驱动程序怎么办?Easy, you can call Queue::addConnector() with the name of your custom driver as well as a closure that explains how a connection to that driver could be acquired, also make sure that your connector implements the QueueConnectorsConnectorInterface interface.
简单来说,您可以使用自定义驱动的名称调用 Queue::addConnector() ,以及一个解释如何获取与该驱动程序的连接的闭包,还要确保您的连接器实现 QueueConnectorsConnectorInterface 接口。
Once you register the connector, you can use any connection that uses this driver:
Continue to "Preparing Jobs For Queue"
转载请注明: 转载自Ryan是菜鸟 | LNMP技术栈笔记
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本文链接地址: 剖析Laravel队列系统之初探
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