Laravel 路由处理

Allen / 2783人阅读


Laravel 路由处理 代码展示
protected function sendRequestThroughRouter($request)
    # $this->app->instance("request", $request);

    # Facade::clearResolvedInstance("request");

    # $this->bootstrap();

    return (new Pipeline($this->app))
                ->through($this->app->shouldSkipMiddleware() ? [] : $this->middleware)
路由解析 请求分发
protected function dispatchToRouter()
    return function ($request) {
        $this->app->instance("request", $request);

        return $this->router->dispatch($request);
public function dispatch(Request $request)
    $this->currentRequest = $request;

    return $this->dispatchToRoute($request);
public function dispatchToRoute(Request $request)
    $route = $this->findRoute($request);

    $request->setRouteResolver(function () use ($route) {
        return $route;

    $this->events->dispatch(new EventsRouteMatched($route, $request));
    // 至此,系统的流程走到了控制器相关的处理,后面待续
    $response = $this->runRouteWithinStack($route, $request);
    return $this->prepareResponse($request, $response);
protected function findRoute($request)
    $this->current = $route = $this->routes->match($request);

    $this->container->instance(Route::class, $route);

    return $route;
public function match(Request $request)
    $routes = $this->get($request->getMethod());
    // 根据请求匹配到第一个相应的路由
    $route = $this->matchAgainstRoutes($routes, $request);

    if (! is_null($route)) {
        return $route->bind($request);
    // 若没有找到,则按照["GET", "HEAD", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"]顺序再找一遍
    $others = $this->checkForAlternateVerbs($request);

    if (count($others) > 0) {
        return $this->getRouteForMethods($request, $others);

    throw new NotFoundHttpException;
public function get($method = null)
    return is_null($method) ? $this->getRoutes() : Arr::get($this->routes, $method, []);
protected function getRouteForMethods($request, array $methods)
    if ($request->method() == "OPTIONS") {
        return (new Route("OPTIONS", $request->path(), function () use ($methods) {
            return new Response("", 200, ["Allow" => implode(",", $methods)]);

protected function matchAgainstRoutes(array $routes, $request, $includingMethod = true)
    return Arr::first($routes, function ($value) use ($request, $includingMethod) {
        return $value->matches($request, $includingMethod);
public function matches(Request $request, $includingMethod = true)
    // 解析路由
    // 检验(uri正则匹配、方法是否存在、http(s)请求、主机正则匹配)均通过,则返回真
    foreach ($this->getValidators() as $validator) {
        if (! $includingMethod && $validator instanceof MethodValidator) {
        if (! $validator->matches($this, $request)) {
            return false;

    return true;
public static function getValidators()
    if (isset(static::$validators)) {
        return static::$validators;

    return static::$validators = [
        new UriValidator, new MethodValidator,
        new SchemeValidator, new HostValidator,
protected function compileRoute()
    if (! $this->compiled) {
        $this->compiled = (new RouteCompiler($this))->compile();

    return $this->compiled;
// 记录可选参数并统一 uri 形式,后面进行统一的处理
public function compile()
    $optionals = $this->getOptionalParameters();
    $uri = preg_replace("/{(w+?)?}/", "{$1}", $this->route->uri());
    // 构造成 symfony 的路由形式,再委托 SymfonyComponentRoutingRouteCompiler 处理
    return (
        new SymfonyRoute($uri, $optionals, $this->route->wheres, [], $this->route->domain() ?: "")
protected function getOptionalParameters()
    preg_match_all("/{(w+?)?}/", $this->route->uri(), $matches);
    return isset($matches[1]) ? array_fill_keys($matches[1], null) : [];
// 初始化处理(路径和参数的规格化,合并 options,设置主机等)
public function __construct($path, array $defaults = array(), array $requirements = array(), array $options = array(), $host = "", $schemes = array(), $methods = array(), $condition = "")
    $this->setOptions($options);            // 合并["compiler_class" => "SymfonyComponentRoutingRouteCompiler",] 和 $options
public function compile()
    if (null !== $this->compiled) {
        return $this->compiled;

    $class = $this->getOption("compiler_class");
    // 委托 SymfonyComponentRoutingRouteCompiler 来处理,返回 SymfonyComponentRoutingCompiledRoute 对象
    return $this->compiled = $class::compile($this);
public static function compile(Route $route)
    $hostVariables = array();
    $variables = array();
    $hostRegex = null;
    $hostTokens = array();

    if ("" !== $host = $route->getHost()) {
        $result = self::compilePattern($route, $host, true);

        $hostVariables = $result["variables"];
        $variables = $hostVariables;

        $hostTokens = $result["tokens"];
        $hostRegex = $result["regex"];

    $path = $route->getPath();

    $result = self::compilePattern($route, $path, false);

    $staticPrefix = $result["staticPrefix"];

    $pathVariables = $result["variables"];

    foreach ($pathVariables as $pathParam) {
        if ("_fragment" === $pathParam) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf("Route pattern "%s" cannot contain "_fragment" as a path parameter.", $route->getPath()));

    $variables = array_merge($variables, $pathVariables);

    $tokens = $result["tokens"];
    $regex = $result["regex"];
    // 委托 CompiledRoute 返回数据,数据没做什么处理,只是多提供了序列化和反序列化方法
    return new CompiledRoute(
// 核心方法
private static function compilePattern(Route $route, $pattern, $isHost)
    $tokens = array();
    $variables = array();
    $matches = array();
    $pos = 0;
    $defaultSeparator = $isHost ? "." : "/";    // 主机或路径默认分割符
    $useUtf8 = preg_match("//u", $pattern);
    $needsUtf8 = $route->getOption("utf8");
    if (!$needsUtf8 && $useUtf8 && preg_match("/[x80-xFF]/", $pattern)) {
        $needsUtf8 = true;
        @trigger_error(sprintf("Using UTF-8 route patterns without setting the "utf8" option is deprecated since Symfony 3.2 and will throw a LogicException in 4.0. Turn on the "utf8" route option for pattern "%s".", $pattern), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    if (!$useUtf8 && $needsUtf8) {
        throw new LogicException(sprintf("Cannot mix UTF-8 requirements with non-UTF-8 pattern "%s".", $pattern));
    // 解析类似 $pattern("/posts/{post}/comments/{comment}") 里面的 {w+} 到 $matches ($matches 类似 [[["{post}",7]],[["{comment}",23]]],值和位置)
    preg_match_all("#{w+}#", $pattern, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
        $varName = substr($match[0][0], 1, -1);                         // 取方括号中间的值,即变量名称
        $precedingText = substr($pattern, $pos, $match[0][1] - $pos);   // 取前一个变量末尾位置后一位到({)的前一段文本
        $pos = $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);                     // 取(})后一段的(/)位置 
        // 尝试取前一段的最后一个字符
        if (!strlen($precedingText)) {
            $precedingChar = "";
        } elseif ($useUtf8) {
            preg_match("/.$/u", $precedingText, $precedingChar);
            $precedingChar = $precedingChar[0];
        } else {
            $precedingChar = substr($precedingText, -1);
        $isSeparator = "" !== $precedingChar && false !== strpos(static::SEPARATORS, $precedingChar);   // 是否分割符
        if (preg_match("/^d/", $varName)) {
            throw new DomainException(sprintf("Variable name "%s" cannot start with a digit in route pattern "%s". Please use a different name.", $varName, $pattern));
        if (in_array($varName, $variables)) {
            throw new LogicException(sprintf("Route pattern "%s" cannot reference variable name "%s" more than once.", $pattern, $varName));
        if (strlen($varName) > self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH) {
            throw new DomainException(sprintf("Variable name "%s" cannot be longer than %s characters in route pattern "%s". Please use a shorter name.", $varName, self::VARIABLE_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, $pattern));
        // 若前一段有值,即文本形式。则入 $tokens 数组 类似: $tokens[] = ["text", "/posts",]
        if ($isSeparator && $precedingText !== $precedingChar) {
            $tokens[] = array("text", substr($precedingText, 0, -strlen($precedingChar)));
        } elseif (!$isSeparator && strlen($precedingText) > 0) {
            $tokens[] = array("text", $precedingText);
        // 尝试获取 where 条件设置的正则
        $regexp = $route->getRequirement($varName);
        // 没有则用最宽松的方式处理
        if (null === $regexp) {
            // 取分割符后面的内容 类似: "/comments/{comment}"
            $followingPattern = (string) substr($pattern, $pos);
            // 找出下一个分割符 类似: "/"
            $nextSeparator = self::findNextSeparator($followingPattern, $useUtf8);
            // 构造 regexp 类似: "[^/]"
            $regexp = sprintf(
                preg_quote($defaultSeparator, self::REGEX_DELIMITER),
                $defaultSeparator !== $nextSeparator && "" !== $nextSeparator ? preg_quote($nextSeparator, self::REGEX_DELIMITER) : ""
            // "[^/]+"
            if (("" !== $nextSeparator && !preg_match("#^{w+}#", $followingPattern)) || "" === $followingPattern) {
                $regexp .= "+";
        } else {
            if (!preg_match("//u", $regexp)) {
                $useUtf8 = false;
            } elseif (!$needsUtf8 && preg_match("/[x80-xFF]|(?= 0; --$i) {
            $token = $tokens[$i];
            if ("variable" === $token[0] && $route->hasDefault($token[3])) {
                $firstOptional = $i;
            } else {
    // 构造正则
    $regexp = "";
    for ($i = 0, $nbToken = count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) {
        $regexp .= self::computeRegexp($tokens, $i, $firstOptional);
    // 类似: "#^/posts/(?P[^/]+)/comments/(?P[^/]+)$#si"
    $regexp = self::REGEX_DELIMITER."^".$regexp."$".self::REGEX_DELIMITER."s".($isHost ? "i" : "");

    if ($needsUtf8) {
        $regexp .= "u";
        for ($i = 0, $nbToken = count($tokens); $i < $nbToken; ++$i) {
            if ("variable" === $tokens[$i][0]) {
                $tokens[$i][] = true;

    return array(
        "staticPrefix" => "text" === $tokens[0][0] ? $tokens[0][1] : "",    // 设置静态的前缀
        "regex" => $regexp,
        "tokens" => array_reverse($tokens),
        "variables" => $variables,
private static function computeRegexp(array $tokens, $index, $firstOptional)
    $token = $tokens[$index];
    // 文本形式,直接转义返回
    if ("text" === $token[0]) {
        return preg_quote($token[1], self::REGEX_DELIMITER);
    // 参数形式
    else {
        // 第一个就是可选项的处理
        if (0 === $index && 0 === $firstOptional) {
            return sprintf("%s(?P<%s>%s)?", preg_quote($token[1], self::REGEX_DELIMITER), $token[3], $token[2]);
        } else {
            $regexp = sprintf("%s(?P<%s>%s)", preg_quote($token[1], self::REGEX_DELIMITER), $token[3], $token[2]);
            // 可选项后面的正则处理,均变为可选项。
            if ($index >= $firstOptional) {
                $regexp = "(?:$regexp";
                $nbTokens = count($tokens);
                if ($nbTokens - 1 == $index) {
                    $regexp .= str_repeat(")?", $nbTokens - $firstOptional - (0 === $firstOptional ? 1 : 0));

            return $regexp;

小结(路径 /posts/{post}/comments/{comment}):

路由解析主要就是解析路由的主机和路径部分(带参数部分),差别在于分割符不一样。并将解析结果放到 route 对象的 $compiled 属性供后续使用。

重点是先将其分割成对应的文本和变量部分( $tokens = [["text", "/posts",],["variable", "/", "1+", "post"],["text", "/comments",], $variables = ["post", "comment",])。

再根据上面分割的数组构造相应的正则表达式(会使用到 where 条件设置的正则)。


public function bind(Request $request)

    $this->parameters = (new RouteParameterBinder($this))

    return $this;

new RouteParameterBinder($this):
public function __construct($route)
    $this->route = $route;
public function parameters($request)
    // 取得有效的对应的参数键值对
    $parameters = $this->bindPathParameters($request);

    if (! is_null($this->route->compiled->getHostRegex())) {
        // 取得有效的对应的主机键值对,并合并到参数键值对
        $parameters = $this->bindHostParameters(
            $request, $parameters

    return $this->replaceDefaults($parameters);
protected function bindPathParameters($request)
    preg_match($this->route->compiled->getRegex(), "/".$request->decodedPath(), $matches);
    // 从 pathinfo 中取出正则匹配的相应的值 类似["post"=>1,"comment"=>2]
    return $this->matchToKeys(array_slice($matches, 1));
public function decodedPath()
    return rawurldecode($this->path());
protected function matchToKeys(array $matches)
    if (empty($parameterNames = $this->route->parameterNames())) {
        return [];
    $parameters = array_intersect_key($matches, array_flip($parameterNames));

    return array_filter($parameters, function ($value) {
        return is_string($value) && strlen($value) > 0;
public function parameterNames()
    if (isset($this->parameterNames)) {
        return $this->parameterNames;

    return $this->parameterNames = $this->compileParameterNames();
protected function compileParameterNames()
    // 从 uri 上取出参数数组,并去掉 "?"
    preg_match_all("/{(.*?)}/", $this->domain().$this->uri, $matches);

    return array_map(function ($m) {
        return trim($m, "?");
    }, $matches[1]);
protected function bindHostParameters($request, $parameters)
    preg_match($this->route->compiled->getHostRegex(), $request->getHost(), $matches);

    return array_merge($this->matchToKeys(array_slice($matches, 1)), $parameters);
protected function replaceDefaults(array $parameters)
    foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
        $parameters[$key] = isset($value) ? $value : Arr::get($this->route->defaults, $key);

    foreach ($this->route->defaults as $key => $value) {
        if (! isset($parameters[$key])) {
            $parameters[$key] = $value;

    return $parameters;


本质就是 route 对象参数属性 $parameters 的处理。根据路由解析得到的正则从实际请求的PATHINFO和HOST里面提取出相应参数对应的值,再进行合并处理(包括默认值的设置、追加默认参数及对值得过滤)。

public function setRouteResolver(Closure $callback)
    $this->routeResolver = $callback;

    return $this;
事件分发 参考 Kernel实例化后的处理 路由执行
protected function runRouteWithinStack(Route $route, Request $request)
    $shouldSkipMiddleware = $this->container->bound("middleware.disable") &&
                            $this->container->make("middleware.disable") === true;
    $middleware = $shouldSkipMiddleware ? [] : $this->gatherRouteMiddleware($route);

    return (new Pipeline($this->container))
                    ->then(function ($request) use ($route) {
                        return $this->prepareResponse(
                            $request, $route->run()


public function gatherRouteMiddleware(Route $route)
    // 返回 object(IlluminateSupportCollection),$items 属性类似 ["类名","类名:参数","匿名函数"]
    $middleware = collect($route->gatherMiddleware())->map(function ($name) {
        return (array) MiddlewareNameResolver::resolve($name, $this->middleware, $this->middlewareGroups);

    return $this->sortMiddleware($middleware);
// 获取本次请求设置的所有的非全局的 middleware (包括前置栈、middleware 方法、控制器 getMiddleware 方法)
public function gatherMiddleware()
    if (! is_null($this->computedMiddleware)) {
        return $this->computedMiddleware;

    $this->computedMiddleware = [];

    return $this->computedMiddleware = array_unique(array_merge(
        $this->middleware(), $this->controllerMiddleware()
// 解析 middleware ,返回简单的形式(匿名函数或 middleware:parameters ),优先从 $middleware 和 $middlewareGroups 取,没有则直接返回 $name
public static function resolve($name, $map, $middlewareGroups)
    if ($name instanceof Closure) {
        return $name;
    } elseif (isset($map[$name]) && $map[$name] instanceof Closure) {
        return $map[$name];
    } elseif (isset($middlewareGroups[$name])) {
        return static::parseMiddlewareGroup(
            $name, $map, $middlewareGroups
    } else {
        list($name, $parameters) = array_pad(explode(":", $name, 2), 2, null);

        return (isset($map[$name]) ? $map[$name] : $name).
               (! is_null($parameters) ? ":".$parameters : "");
protected static function parseMiddlewareGroup($name, $map, $middlewareGroups)
    $results = [];

    foreach ($middlewareGroups[$name] as $middleware) {
        // 组内部还是个组,递归执行
        if (isset($middlewareGroups[$middleware])) {
            $results = array_merge($results, static::parseMiddlewareGroup(
                $middleware, $map, $middlewareGroups


        list($middleware, $parameters) = array_pad(
            explode(":", $middleware, 2), 2, null
        if (isset($map[$middleware])) {
            $middleware = $map[$middleware];

        $results[] = $middleware.($parameters ? ":".$parameters : "");

    return $results;
##################################### 排序块 BEGIN #######################################
protected function sortMiddleware(Collection $middlewares)
    return (new SortedMiddleware($this->middlewarePriority, $middlewares))->all();
public function __construct(array $priorityMap, $middlewares)
    if ($middlewares instanceof Collection) {
        $middlewares = $middlewares->all();

    $this->items = $this->sortMiddleware($priorityMap, $middlewares);
// 类似插入排序
protected function sortMiddleware($priorityMap, $middlewares)
    $lastIndex = 0;

    foreach ($middlewares as $index => $middleware) {
        // 匿名函数直接 continue
        if (! is_string($middleware)) {

        $stripped = head(explode(":", $middleware));

        if (in_array($stripped, $priorityMap)) {
            $priorityIndex = array_search($stripped, $priorityMap);

            if (isset($lastPriorityIndex) && $priorityIndex < $lastPriorityIndex) {
                return $this->sortMiddleware(
                    $priorityMap, array_values(
                        $this->moveMiddleware($middlewares, $index, $lastIndex)
            } else {
                $lastIndex = $index;
                $lastPriorityIndex = $priorityIndex;

    return array_values(array_unique($middlewares, SORT_REGULAR));
protected function moveMiddleware($middlewares, $from, $to)
    array_splice($middlewares, $to, 0, $middlewares[$from]);

    unset($middlewares[$from + 1]);

    return $middlewares;
##################################### 排序块 END #######################################


public function run()
    $this->container = $this->container ?: new Container;

    try {
        // 控制器形式的处理(Controller@Method)
        if ($this->isControllerAction()) {
            return $this->runController();
        // 匿名函数形式的处理
        return $this->runCallable();
    } catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
        return $e->getResponse();
public function prepareResponse($request, $response)
    if ($response instanceof PsrResponseInterface) {
        $response = (new HttpFoundationFactory)->createResponse($response);
    } elseif (! $response instanceof SymfonyResponse) {
        $response = new Response($response);

    return $response->prepare($request);

/ ↩




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