Array ( [QUERY_STRING] => c=welcome&d=test_search [REQUEST_URI] => /welcome/test_search.html?c=welcome&d=test_search [PATH_INFO] => /welcome/test_search.html )
/* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | URI PROTOCOL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This item determines which server global should be used to retrieve the | URI string. The default setting of "AUTO" works for most servers. | If your links do not seem to work, try one of the other delicious flavors: | | "AUTO" Default - auto detects | "PATH_INFO" Uses the PATH_INFO | "QUERY_STRING" Uses the QUERY_STRING | "REQUEST_URI" Uses the REQUEST_URI | "ORIG_PATH_INFO" Uses the ORIG_PATH_INFO | */ $config["uri_protocol"] = "PATH_INFO";
/** * Set route mapping * * Determines what should be served based on the URI request, * as well as any "routes" that have been set in the routing config file. * * @return void */ protected function _set_routing() { // Load the routes.php file. It would be great if we could // skip this for enable_query_strings = TRUE, but then // default_controller would be empty ... if (file_exists(APPPATH."config/routes.php")) { include(APPPATH."config/routes.php"); } if (file_exists(APPPATH."config/".ENVIRONMENT."/routes.php")) { include(APPPATH."config/".ENVIRONMENT."/routes.php"); } // Validate & get reserved routes if (isset($route) && is_array($route)) { isset($route["default_controller"]) && $this->default_controller = $route["default_controller"]; isset($route["translate_uri_dashes"]) && $this->translate_uri_dashes = $route["translate_uri_dashes"]; unset($route["default_controller"], $route["translate_uri_dashes"]); $this->routes = $route; } // Are query strings enabled in the config file? Normally CI doesn"t utilize query strings // since URI segments are more search-engine friendly, but they can optionally be used. // If this feature is enabled, we will gather the directory/class/method a little differently // 这段不用看,我们项目中是FALSE if ($this->enable_query_strings) { // If the directory is set at this time, it means an override exists, so skip the checks if ( ! isset($this->directory)) { $_d = $this->config->item("directory_trigger"); $_d = isset($_GET[$_d]) ? trim($_GET[$_d], " x0B/") : ""; if ($_d !== "") { $this->uri->filter_uri($_d); $this->set_directory($_d); } } $_c = trim($this->config->item("controller_trigger")); if ( ! empty($_GET[$_c])) { $this->uri->filter_uri($_GET[$_c]); $this->set_class($_GET[$_c]); $_f = trim($this->config->item("function_trigger")); if ( ! empty($_GET[$_f])) { $this->uri->filter_uri($_GET[$_f]); $this->set_method($_GET[$_f]); } $this->uri->rsegments = array( 1 => $this->class, 2 => $this->method ); } else { $this->_set_default_controller(); } // Routing rules don"t apply to query strings and we don"t need to detect // directories, so we"re done here return; } // Is there anything to parse? //这里的$this->uri是route类构造函数里面$this->uri =& load_class("URI", "core");来的,后文我们会详细看URI类 if ($this->uri->uri_string !== "") { //绝大多数情况是会走这里 $this->_parse_routes(); } else { $this->_set_default_controller(); }
/** * Parse Routes * * Matches any routes that may exist in the config/routes.php file * against the URI to determine if the class/method need to be remapped. * * @return void */ protected function _parse_routes() { // Turn the segment array into a URI string // $this->uri->segments我们后面也会讲到 $uri = implode("/", $this->uri->segments); // Get HTTP verb $http_verb = isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) ? strtolower($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]) : "cli"; // Loop through the route array looking for wildcards // 查看是否符合config文件里的配置 foreach ($this->routes as $key => $val) { // Check if route format is using HTTP verbs if (is_array($val)) { $val = array_change_key_case($val, CASE_LOWER); if (isset($val[$http_verb])) { $val = $val[$http_verb]; } else { continue; } } // Convert wildcards to RegEx $key = str_replace(array(":any", ":num"), array("[^/]+", "[0-9]+"), $key); // Does the RegEx match? if (preg_match("#^".$key."$#", $uri, $matches)) { // Are we using callbacks to process back-references? if ( ! is_string($val) && is_callable($val)) { // Remove the original string from the matches array. array_shift($matches); // Execute the callback using the values in matches as its parameters. $val = call_user_func_array($val, $matches); } // Are we using the default routing method for back-references? elseif (strpos($val, "$") !== FALSE && strpos($key, "(") !== FALSE) { $val = preg_replace("#^".$key."$#", $val, $uri); } $this->_set_request(explode("/", $val)); return; } } // If we got this far it means we didn"t encounter a // matching route so we"ll set the site default route $this->_set_request(array_values($this->uri->segments)); }
/** * Set request route * * Takes an array of URI segments as input and sets the class/method * to be called. * * @used-by CI_Router::_parse_routes() * @param array $segments URI segments * @return void */ protected function _set_request($segments = array()) { $segments = $this->_validate_request($segments); // If we don"t have any segments left - try the default controller; // WARNING: Directories get shifted out of the segments array! if (empty($segments)) { $this->_set_default_controller(); return; } if ($this->translate_uri_dashes === TRUE) { $segments[0] = str_replace("-", "_", $segments[0]); if (isset($segments[1])) { $segments[1] = str_replace("-", "_", $segments[1]); } } //找到类名了 $this->set_class($segments[0]); if (isset($segments[1])) { //找到方法名了 $this->set_method($segments[1]); } else { $segments[1] = "index"; } array_unshift($segments, NULL); unset($segments[0]); $this->uri->rsegments = $segments;
$class = ucfirst($RTR->class); $method = $RTR->method; $CI = new $class(); /* * ------------------------------------------------------ * Call the requested method * ------------------------------------------------------ */ call_user_func_array(array(&$CI, $method), $params);
/** * Set URI String * * @param string $str * @return void */ protected function _set_uri_string($str) { // Filter out control characters and trim slashes $this->uri_string = trim(remove_invisible_characters($str, FALSE), "/"); if ($this->uri_string !== "") { // Remove the URL suffix, if present if (($suffix = (string) $this->config->item("url_suffix")) !== "") { $slen = strlen($suffix); if (substr($this->uri_string, -$slen) === $suffix) { $this->uri_string = substr($this->uri_string, 0, -$slen); } } $this->segments[0] = NULL; // Populate the segments array foreach (explode("/", trim($this->uri_string, "/")) as $val) { $val = trim($val); // Filter segments for security $this->filter_uri($val); if ($val !== "") { $this->segments[] = $val; } } unset($this->segments[0]); } } 如果你的原始uri是http://example.com/index.php/news/local/metro/crime_is_up的话,经过这个_set_uri_string()方法处理,你会得到$this->segments = array([1]=>"news", [2]=>"local",[3]=>"metro",[4]=>"crime_is_up")参考文章
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