Laravel Framework version 5.1.3 (LTS) Usage: command [options] [arguments] Options: -h, --help 显示帮助信息 -q, --quiet Do not output any message -V, --version Display this application version --ansi 强制 ANSI 输出 --no-ansi 禁用 ANSI 输出 -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question --env[=ENV] The environment the command should run under. -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug Available commands: clear-compiled Remove the compiled class file down Put the application into maintenance mode env Display the current framework environment help Displays help for a command inspire Display an inspiring quote list Lists commands migrate Run the database migrations optimize Optimize the framework for better performance serve Serve the application on the PHP development server tinker Interact with your application up Bring the application out of maintenance mode app app:name Set the application namespace auth auth:clear-resets Flush expired password reset tokens cache cache:clear Flush the application cache cache:table Create a migration for the cache database table config config:cache Create a cache file for faster configuration loading config:clear Remove the configuration cache file db db:seed Seed the database with records event event:generate Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration handler handler:command Create a new command handler class handler:event Create a new event handler class key key:generate Set the application key make make:command Create a new command class make:console Create a new Artisan command make:controller Create a new resource controller class make:event Create a new event class make:job Create a new job class make:listener Create a new event listener class make:middleware Create a new middleware class make:migration Create a new migration file make:model Create a new Eloquent model class make:provider Create a new service provider class make:request Create a new form request class make:seeder Create a new seeder class migrate migrate:install Create the migration repository migrate:refresh Reset and re-run all migrations migrate:reset Rollback all database migrations migrate:rollback Rollback the last database migration migrate:status Show the status of each migration queue queue:failed List all of the failed queue jobs queue:failed-table Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table queue:flush Flush all of the failed queue jobs queue:forget Delete a failed queue job queue:listen Listen to a given queue queue:restart Restart queue worker daemons after their current job queue:retry Retry a failed queue job queue:subscribe Subscribe a URL to an Iron.io push queue queue:table Create a migration for the queue jobs database table queue:work Process the next job on a queue route route:cache Create a route cache file for faster route registration route:clear Remove the route cache file route:list List all registered routes schedule schedule:run Run the scheduled commands session session:table Create a migration for the session database table vendor vendor:publish Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages view view:clear Clear all compiled view files
摘要:初步尝试既然最常见的注册命令的方式是修改类中的,那么一般正常人都会从这边开始下手。又要自己取出实例,又要自己调用方法,调用方法之前还有自己先把实例化这么繁琐,肯定不是运行时添加命令的最佳实践,所以我决定继续寻找更优解。 本文首发于我的博客,原文链接:https://blessing.studio/best-... 虽然 Laravel 官方文档提供的添加 Artisan Command...
摘要:为了一探究竟,于是开启了这次应用性能调优之旅。使用即时编译器和都能轻轻松松的让你的应用程序在不用做任何修改的情况下,直接提高或者更高的性能。 这是一份事后的总结。在经历了调优过程踩的很多坑之后,我们最终完善并实施了初步的性能测试方案,通过真实的测试数据归纳出了 Laravel 开发过程中的一些实践技巧。 0x00 源起 最近有同事反馈 Laravel 写的应用程序响应有点慢、20几个并...
摘要:使用即时编译器和都能轻轻松松的让你的应用程序在不用做任何修改的情况下,直接提高或者更高的性能,之前做个一个实验,具体请见使用提升程序性能。 本文经授权转自 PHPHub 社区 说明 性能一直是 Laravel 框架为人诟病的一个点,所以调优 Laravel 程序算是一个必学的技能。 接下来分享一些开发的最佳实践,还有调优技巧,大家有别的建议也欢迎留言讨论。 这里是简单的列表: 配置信...
摘要:目录下包含了常用框架的部署配置文件这里以框架的部署配置为例进行分析在中主要配置了框架的相关目录另外还定义了的常用命令然后定义了的部署流程公共配置在配置文件中首先引入了公共配置文件公共配置文件中加载了和两个目录下的配置文件另外还定义了几个常用 1 laravel.php recipe目录下包含了常用框架的部署配置文件这里以Laravel框架的部署配置为例进行分析在laravel.php中...
摘要:原文来自在学习的时候,可能很多人接触的第一个的命令就是,这样我们就可以跑起第一个的应用。本文来尝试解读一下这个命令行的源码。 原文来自:https://www.codecasts.com/blo... 在学习 Laravel 的时候,可能很多人接触的第一个 artisan 的命令就是:php artisan serve,这样我们就可以跑起第一个 Laravel 的应用。本文来尝试解读一...
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