内容来自 DataSciComp,人工智能/数据科学比赛整理平台。全球城市计算AI挑战赛Github:iphysresearch/DataSciComp
本项目由 ApacheCN 强力支持。
微博 | 知乎 | CSDN | 简书 | OSChina | 博客园
3月19日 - 4月11日, 2019 // Host by 天池 // Prize: ¥300000
Note: 大赛以“地铁乘客流量预测”为赛题,参赛者可通过分析地铁站的历史刷卡数据,预测站点未来的客流量变化,帮助实现更合理的出行路线选择,规避交通堵塞,提前部署站点安保措施等,最终实现用大数据和人工智能等技术助力未来城市安全出行。
Novenber 16, 2018 - March 30, 2019 // Host by Kaggle // Prize: Kaggle Swag
Note: Identify metastatic tissue in histopathologic scans of lymph node sections
Jan 25 - August 2, 2019 // Host by CodaLab & BEA 2019 Shared Task Discussion Group // Prize: NaN
Note: Grammatical error correction (GEC) is the task of automatically correcting grammatical errors in text; e.g. [I follows his advices -> I followed his advice].
There are 3 tracks in the BEA 2019 shared task:
Restricted Track
Unrestricted Track
Low Resource Track
Now - March 30, 2019 // Host by Kaggle & Grand Challenges // Prize: NaN
Note: Identify metastatic tissue in histopathologic scans of lymph node sections
Jan. 5, 2018 - Apr. 8, 2019 // Host by CodaLab & Grand Challenges & ISBI 2019// Prize: NaN
Note: Our challenge addresses the problem of organs at risk segmentation in Computed Tomography (CT) images.
Jan. 5, 2018 - Apr. 8, 2019 // Host by Stanford ML Group & Grand Challenges // Prize: NaN
Note: CheXpert is a large dataset of chest X-rays and competition for automated chest x-ray interpretation, which features uncertainty labels and radiologist-labeled reference standard evaluation sets. Develop an algorithm to determine the presence of 14 different abnormalities given a chest radiograph.
Feb. 24 - Mar. 31 2019 // Host by CodaLab & CVPR 2019 // Prize: NaN
Note: Verify your residency of Taiwan!
At the minimum, the MolHack challenge will require the participants to build and train a Conditional Generative DNN model that can generate new small molecules such that the newly generated small molecules have similar MACCS fingerprints as the target MACCS fingerprint upon which the generation of the molecules is conditioned.
March 1-31, 2019 // Host by 天池 // Prize: iPhone/iPad/AirPods
Note: Task: To estimate the average travel time from designated intersections to tollgates
February 10 - April 30 September 2019 // Host by ICDAR 2019 & Baidu // Prize: NaN
Note: Scanned receipts OCR and information extraction (SROIE) play critical roles in streamlining document-intensive processes and office automation in many financial, accounting and taxation areas.
摘要:主页暂时下线社区暂时下线知识库自媒体平台微博知乎简书博客园合作侵权,请联系请抄送一份到特色项目中文文档和教程与机器学习实用指南人工智能机器学习数据科学比赛系列项目实战教程文档代码视频数据科学比赛收集平台,,剑指,经典算法实现系列课本课本描述 【主页】 apachecn.org 【Github】@ApacheCN 暂时下线: 社区 暂时下线: cwiki 知识库 自媒体平台 ...
摘要:主页暂时下线社区暂时下线知识库自媒体平台微博知乎简书博客园合作侵权,请联系请抄送一份到特色项目中文文档和教程与机器学习实用指南人工智能机器学习数据科学比赛系列项目实战教程文档代码视频数据科学比赛收集平台,,剑指,经典算法实现系列课本课本描述 【主页】 apachecn.org 【Github】@ApacheCN 暂时下线: 社区 暂时下线: cwiki 知识库 自媒体平台 ...
摘要:内容来自,人工智能数据科学比赛整理平台。消费者人群画像信用智能评分月日月中国移动福建公司提供年月份的样本数据脱敏,包括客户的各类通信支出欠费情况出行情况消费场所社交个人兴趣等丰富的多维度数据。 内容来自 DataSciComp,人工智能/数据科学比赛整理平台。Github:iphysresearch/DataSciComp 本项目由 ApacheCN 强力支持。 微博 | 知乎 | C...
摘要:内容来自,人工智能数据科学比赛整理平台。首个全国范围大型人工智能领域竞赛。竞赛项目涵盖了当前人工智能多媒体信息识别领域的主流应用方向。这个比赛主要针对图像分类任务,包括模型攻击与模型防御。 Special Sponsors showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000018907426?w=1760&h=200); 内容来自 D...
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