数据库自6月29日起连续多天异常宕机。alert日志报Instance Critical Process (pid: 21, ospid: 105559, DBW2) died unexpectedly之类的错误。
系统message日志里有Jun 29 06:14:25 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 105559 (ora_dbw2_XXXX) score 186 or sacrifice child之类报错。
2021-06-30T07:00:57.368545+08:00 Instance Critical Process (pid: 19, ospid: 66571, DBW0) died unexpectedly PMON (ospid: 66527): terminating the instance due to error 471 2021-06-30T07:00:57.544376+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=66527 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/********_diag_66555_20210630070057.trc |
2021-07-01T09:07:04.699459+08:00 Instance Critical Process (pid: 20, ospid: 125148, DBW1) died unexpectedly PMON (ospid: 125085): terminating the instance due to error 471 2021-07-01T09:07:05.005935+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=125085 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/********_diag_125126_20210701090705.trc |
2021-07-02T07:36:36.660203+08:00 Instance Critical Process (pid: 19, ospid: 25474, DBW0) died unexpectedly PMON (ospid: 25437): terminating the instance due to error 471 2021-07-02T07:36:37.001449+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=25437 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/********_diag_25457_20210702073637.trc |
2021-07-03T07:52:35.531254+08:00 Instance Critical Process (pid: 7, ospid: 91834, MMAN) died unexpectedly 2021-07-03T07:52:55.666657+08:00 PMON (ospid: 91819): terminating the instance due to error 822 2021-07-03T07:52:55.679848+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=91819 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/********_diag_91842_20210703075255.trc |
Jun 29 06:14:25 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 105559 (ora_dbw2_XXXX) score 186 or sacrifice child Jun 29 06:14:25 HOSTNAME kernel: Killed process 105559 (ora_dbw2_XXXX) total-vm:13041272kB, anon-rss:17376kB, file-rss:80kB, shmem-rss:9180780kB |
Jun 30 07:00:57 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 66571 (ora_dbw0_XXXX) score 130 or sacrifice child Jun 30 07:00:57 HOSTNAME kernel: Killed process 66571 (ora_dbw0_XXXX) total-vm:13041260kB, anon-rss:18256kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:6426356kB Jun 30 07:00:57 HOSTNAME kernel: ora_dbw0_XXXX: page allocation failure: order:0, mode:0x2015a Jun 30 07:00:57 HOSTNAME kernel: CPU: 26 PID: 66571 Comm: ora_dbw0_XXXX Not tainted 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 #1 |
Jul 1 09:07:01 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 125152 (ora_dbw3_XXXX) score 140 or sacrifice child Jul 1 09:07:01 HOSTNAME kernel: Killed process 125152 (ora_dbw3_XXXX) total-vm:13041280kB, anon-rss:17888kB, file-rss:568kB, shmem-rss:6901124kB |
Jul 2 07:36:24 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 31865 (oracle_31865_ns) score 142 or sacrifice child Jul 2 07:36:24 HOSTNAME kernel: Killed process 31865 (oracle_31865_ns) total-vm:13034256kB, anon-rss:8496kB, file-rss:512kB, shmem-rss:7017736kB |
Jul 3 07:52:28 HOSTNAME kernel: Out of memory: Kill process 91834 (ora_mman_XXXX) score 32 or sacrifice child Jul 3 07:52:28 HOSTNAME kernel: Killed process 91834 (ora_mman_XXXX) total-vm:13022640kB, anon-rss:2892kB, file-rss:80kB, shmem-rss:1615108kB |
[root@HOSTNAME ~]# for i in `cd /proc;ls |grep "^[0-9]"|awk $0 >100` ;do awk /Swap:/{a=a+$2}END{print "$i",a/1024"M"} /proc/$i/smaps ;done 2>&1 |sort -k2nr |head -20 66285 101.973M 124601 6.6875M 88435 6.53906M 75924 6.46875M 88033 6.42188M 15747 6.41406M 71480 6.38672M 112856 6.32422M 32315 6.24609M 30195 6.24219M 118924 6.23047M 112052 6.12891M 43413 6.10156M 123682 6.0625M 62669 6.05859M 89471 5.99219M 38687 5.96094M 23452 5.95703M 30953 5.95703M 13602 5.95312M |
swapon -a
alter system set sga_max_size=8G scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_target=8G scope=spfile;
alter system set pga_aggregate_target=2G scope=spfile;
总 结
此文已由作者王盼授权网易云社区发布。 欢迎访问网易云社区,了解更多网易技术产品运营经验~ 现状计算节点发生磁盘损坏等数据无法恢复的异常时,节点上的云主机系统盘无法恢复,导致云主机只能被清理重建 计算节点宕机但磁盘数据可用时,重启即可恢复所有云主机的运行 计算节点多次宕机(或一段时间内频繁宕机),则需要迁移所有云主机或者直接清理重建,云硬盘需要迁移到其他cinder-volume存储服务节点 一般来...
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摘要:收到所有参与者回应后,完成事务。不管是还是,都是通过节点间的交换消息去达到一致的状态,这也是分布式系统的常用做法。从业期间,负责过订阅系统制作云服务开源平台分布式任务调度系统等产品的设计研发工作。 接着上一篇的内容,详细介绍一些主流数据库在分布式场景下用到的算法和思想,主要提及数据一致性相关的一些策略,并分析其利弊和典型应用场景。 对于数据库来说,可能关心的最多的就是数据的一致性了,由...
摘要:收到所有参与者回应后,完成事务。不管是还是,都是通过节点间的交换消息去达到一致的状态,这也是分布式系统的常用做法。从业期间,负责过订阅系统制作云服务开源平台分布式任务调度系统等产品的设计研发工作。 接着上一篇的内容,详细介绍一些主流数据库在分布式场景下用到的算法和思想,主要提及数据一致性相关的一些策略,并分析其利弊和典型应用场景。 对于数据库来说,可能关心的最多的就是数据的一致性了,由...
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