select user,tenant,host,db,info from __all_virtual_processlist where state=ACTIVE limit 3G
select sql_id,
from gv$plan_cache_plan_stat
where tenant_id = 1022 --租户id
and avg_exe_usec >= 1000000000 --执行时间筛选
and last_active_time > 2022-01-19 17:20:00.000000 --时间段筛选
order by hit_count desc limit 40;
select sql_id, hit_count, avg_exe_usec, timeout_count, plan_id, last_active_time, outline_id from gv$plan_cache_plan_stat p
where tenant_id = 1022 and (avg_exe_usec >= 100000000 or timeout_count > 0)
and last_active_time > 2021-05-19 08:00:00.000000
order by timeout_count desc, hit_count desc limit 100;
select query_sql from gv$plan_cache_plan_stat where sql_id = CE9AXXXXX00FEA8ED885EB0;
MySQL [oceanbase]>
select * from gv$outline where tenant_id=1022 and outline_name like %B5BXXXXXXXXXXXXXXA5956F457%;
--检查优化结果 (确认使用了outline):
select p.last_active_time, p.sql_id, p.hit_count, p.avg_exe_usec from gv$plan_cache_plan_stat p where outline_id != -1;
select index_name, listagg(column_name, ,) within group (order by column_position)
from all_ind_columns
where table_name = upper(TABLE_NAME)
group by index_name;
select plan_id,sql_id from gv$plan_cache_plan_stat where sql_id = 712XXXXXXXXXX2BF976A;
select plan_id, operator, name, rows, cost from gv$plan_cache_plan_explain where tenant_id=1020 and ip=10.xx.xxx.xxx and port=2882 and plan_id=45482904;
MySQL [oceanbase]> select /*+parallel(32)*/ svr_ip,
-> plan_id,
-> sid,
-> elapsed_time,
-> usec_to_time(request_time) req_time,
-> memstore_read_row_count,
-> ssstore_read_row_count,
-> query_sql,
-> plan_type
-> from gv$sql_audit
-> where tenant_id = 1003
-> and query_sql like %INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT%
-> order by elapsed_time desc limit 10;
| svr_ip | plan_id | sid | elapsed_time | req_time | memstore_read_row_count | ssstore_read_row_count | query_sql | plan_type |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 686871515 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876102 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 686134803 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 685402617 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 684654700 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 683896972 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 683149813 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 682406192 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 681666012 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 680929101 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 142892605 | 3222098456 | 680187165 | 2022-02-05 11:29:06.367558 | 876094 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
10 rows in set (18.54 sec)
MySQL [oceanbase]> select /*+parallel(32)*/ distinct sql_id,query_sql from gv$sql_audit where query_sql like %INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT%;
| sql_id | query_sql |
| 3DE6286E8DAABD362013C25C27603A9A | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? |
1 row in set (18.08 sec)
MySQL [oceanbase]> select plan_id, operator, name, rows, cost from gv$plan_cache_plan_explain where tenant_id=1003 and ip= and port=2882 and plan_id=142892605;
| plan_id | operator | name | rows | cost |
| 142892605 | PHY_INSERT | NULL | 100000 | 42291 |
| 142892605 | PHY_SUBPLAN_SCAN | NULL | 100000 | 40788 |
| 142892605 | PHY_TABLE_SCAN | T | 100000 | 39285 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
obclient> select index_name, listagg(column_name, ,) within group (order by column_position)
-> from all_ind_columns
-> where table_name = upper(xxxxxxxx)
-> group by index_name;
| IDX_xxxxxxxx | cccc |
1 row in set (0.47 sec)
select index_name, listagg(column_name, ,) within group (order by column_position)
from all_ind_columns
where table_name = upper(xxxxxxxx)
group by index_name;
MySQL [oceanbase]> alter system flush plan cache tenant=crm;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.71 sec)
MySQL [oceanbase]> select /*+parallel(32)*/ svr_ip,
-> plan_id,
-> sid,
-> elapsed_time,
-> usec_to_time(request_time) req_time,
-> memstore_read_row_count,
-> ssstore_read_row_count,
-> query_sql,
-> plan_type
-> from gv$sql_audit
-> where tenant_id = 1003
-> and sql_id=3DE6286E8DAABD362013C25C27603A9A
-> order by request_time desc limit 10;
| svr_ip | plan_id | sid | elapsed_time | req_time | memstore_read_row_count | ssstore_read_row_count | query_sql | plan_type |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 14542 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 2 | 1 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 9047 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 13258 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 4943 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 7446 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 4 | 2 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 10694 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 11951 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 2051 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 3532 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
| ***.**.**.3 | 144370423 | 3222098456 | 6276 | 2022-02-05 12:02:22.498620 | 14 | 7 | INSERT INTO xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (COL1,COL2....) SELECT COL1,COL2.... FROM xxxxxxxx T WHERE 1 = 1 AND T.COL1 = 111 AND T.cccc = ? | 1 |
10 rows in set (7.98 sec)
MySQL [oceanbase]> select plan_id, operator, name, rows, cost from gv$plan_cache_plan_explain where tenant_id=1003 and ip=***.**.**.3 and port=2882 and plan_id=144370423;
| plan_id | operator | name | rows | cost |
| 144370423 | PHY_INSERT | NULL | 7 | 365 |
| 144370423 | PHY_SUBPLAN_SCAN | NULL | 7 | 364 |
| 144370423 | PHY_TABLE_SCAN | T(IDX_xxxxxxxx) | 7 | 364 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
select SVR_IP,SVR_PORT,TRACE_ID,ret_code,usec_to_time(request_time),sql_id from gv$sql_audit where ret_code=-5708 and usec_to_time(request_time)>2022-02-10 09:40:00 order by usec_to_time(request_time);
| ***.**.**.9 | 2882 | YB4286541005-0005D37414A63C5F-0-0 | 0 | 2022-02-09 09:27:00.847607 | CB339EDEC37BABF3B01F6BF9B3E013F5 |
| ***.**.**.9 | 2882 | YB4286541005-0005D372F8259430-0-0 | 0 | 2022-02-09 09:27:00.853458 | CB339EDEC37BABF3B01F6BF9B3E013F5 |
| ***.**.**.8 | 2882 | YB4286541006-0005D374A14BDEA5-0-0 | -5114 | 2022-02-09 09:36:46.380526 | CB339EDEC37BABF3B01F6BF9B3E013F5 |
| ***.**.**.8 | 2882 | YB4286541006-0005D374A4FDFE27-0-0 | -5114 | 2022-02-09 09:42:17.625995 | CB339EDEC37BABF3B01F6BF9B3E013F5 |
select id,user,tenant,host,db,command,user_client_ip,sql_id from __all_virtual_processlist where command <> Sleep and sql_id=ECF34A6E77D9B646241eea8953db592f;
select query_sql from gv$sql_audit where sql_id = E85276AA267EF26692CBE6CE3F5CB436;
select SVR_IP,SVR_PORT,TRACE_ID,ret_code,usec_to_time(request_time),sql_id from gv$sql_audit where sql_id=ECF34A6E77D9B646241eea8953db592f and usec_to_time(request_time)>2022-02-09 09:15:00 order by usec_to_time(request_time);
摘要:技术成就划时代的分布式数据库通过核心业务的不断上线,蚂蚁金服帮助渡过了自研基础软件产品最艰难的应用关。年天猫双十一,支付宝创造了万笔每秒支付峰值的业界新纪录,这对于数据库来说,意味着每秒需要同时运行万条。 技术成就:划时代的分布式数据库 通过核心业务的不断上线,蚂蚁金服帮助OceanBase渡过了自研基础软件产品最艰难的应用关。OceanBase不只是被研发出来的,更是被用出来的,是在...
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