PRIMARY:AKTM> db.list***ord.getIndexes();
"v" : 2,
"key" :{
"timestamp": 1
"name" :"timestamp_1",
"background": true,
"ns" :"AKTM.list***ord",
"expireAfterSeconds": NumberLong(2678400)
"v" : 2,
"key" :{
"_id": 1
"name" :"_id_",
"ns" :"AKTM.list***ord"
db.runCommand( { collMod:"list***ord",
index: { keyPattern: { timestamp:1 },
expireAfterSeconds: 604800
PRIMARY:AKTM> db.list***ord.getIndexes();
"v" : 2,
"key" :{
"timestamp": 1
"name" :"timestamp_1",
"background": true,
"ns" :"AKTM.list***ord",
"expireAfterSeconds": NumberLong(604800)
"v" : 2,
"key" :{
"_id": 1
"name" :"_id_",
"ns" :"AKTM.list***ord"
2020-07-01T07:17:49.265+0800 IREPL [replication-147] We are too stale to use10.***.***.83:27017 as a sync source. Blacklisting this sync sourcebecause our last fetched timestamp: Timestamp(1593529482, 5082) isbefore their earliest timestamp: Timestamp(1593553525, 1720) for 1minuntil: 2020-07-01T07:18:49.265+0800
2020-07-01T07:17:49.266+0800 IREPL [replication-147] sync source candidate: 10.**.***.138:27017
2020-07-01T07:17:49.268+0800 IREPL [replication-147] We are too stale to use10.25.151.138:27017 as a sync source. Blacklisting this sync sourcebecause our last fetched timestamp: Timestamp(1593529482, 5082) isbefore their earliest timestamp: Timestamp(1593553515, 601) for 1minuntil: 2020-07-01T07:18:49.268+0800
configured oplog size: 10240MB
log length start to end: 4704secs(1.31hrs)
oplog first event time: Wed Jul01 2020 06:30:31 GMT+0800 (CST)
oplog last event time: Wed Jul01 2020 07:48:55 GMT+0800 (CST)
now: Wed Jul01 2020 07:48:56 GMT+0800 (CST)
摘要:先睹为快振奋人心的时刻终于到来了,在经过一个上市的日子后,终于发布了。实战在线开启认证模式解读我是上海小胖,专注等开源数据库的,拥抱开源,接受收费。上海小胖原创地址欢迎各位大神前来评论。每周五,敬请期待,上海小胖独更。 MongoDB 3.6 先睹为快 Part 1 振奋人心的时刻终于到来了,在经过一个MongoDB 上市的日子后,MongoDB 终于发布了MongoDB 3.6 RC...
摘要:先睹为快振奋人心的时刻终于到来了,在经过一个上市的日子后,终于发布了。实战在线开启认证模式解读我是上海小胖,专注等开源数据库的,拥抱开源,接受收费。上海小胖原创地址欢迎各位大神前来评论。每周五,敬请期待,上海小胖独更。 MongoDB 3.6 先睹为快 Part 1 振奋人心的时刻终于到来了,在经过一个MongoDB 上市的日子后,MongoDB 终于发布了MongoDB 3.6 RC...
摘要:出现的问题笔者前段时间开发一个新项目的某个功能模块要读取老游戏中某个数据库计作库连续读库中的个集合相当于的张表取数据在测试环境单次操作时是内但是并发测试情况下比如内个并发时读取库个集合的耗时能达到以上甚至且个并发请求几乎同时完成但是在我本地 出现的问题 笔者前段时间开发一个新项目的某个功能模块,要读取老游戏中某个Mongo数据库(计作A库),连续读A库中的6个集合(相当于MySQL的6...
摘要:大家好,我是冰河有句话叫做投资啥都不如投资自己的回报率高。马上就十一国庆假期了,给小伙伴们分享下,从小白程序员到大厂高级技术专家我看过哪些技术类书籍。 大家好,我是...
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