Over ,咳咳咳......儿童故事就听到这里吧。大家要做的就是解救嗷大喵~远离恶龙。
pip install +模块名 或者豆瓣镜像源 pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ +模块名
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import pygamefrom sys import exitfrom pygame.locals import *pygame.init()screen = pygame.display.set_mode((300,200),0,32)upImageFilename = "game_start_up.png"downImageFilename = "game_start_down.png"class Button(object): def __init__(self, upimage, downimage,position): self.imageUp = pygame.image.load(upimage).convert_alpha() self.imageDown = pygame.image.load(downimage).convert_alpha() self.position = position def isOver(self): point_x,point_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x, y = self. position w, h = self.imageUp.get_size() in_x = x - w/2 < point_x < x + w/2 in_y = y - h/2 < point_y < y + h/2 return in_x and in_y def render(self): w, h = self.imageUp.get_size() x, y = self.position if self.isOver(): screen.blit(self.imageDown, (x-w/2,y-h/2)) else: screen.blit(self.imageUp, (x-w/2, y-h/2)) def is_start(self): b1,b2,b3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if b1 == 1: return Truebutton = Button(upImageFilename,downImageFilename, (150,100)) while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() exit() screen.fill((200, 200, 200)) button.render() if button.is_start(): print ("start") pygame.display.update()
3.11 附效果截图
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import sys, time, random, math, pygame,localefrom pygame.locals import *from MyLibrary import *#重置火箭函数def reset_arrow(): y = random.randint(270,350) arrow.position = 800,y bullent_sound.play_sound()#定义一个滚动地图类class MyMap(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self,x,y): self.x = x self.y = y self.bg = pygame.image.load("background.png").convert_alpha() def map_rolling(self): if self.x < -600: self.x = 600 else: self.x -=5 def map_update(self): screen.blit(self.bg, (self.x,self.y)) def set_pos(x,y): self.x =x self.y =y#定义一个按钮类class Button(object): def __init__(self, upimage, downimage,position): self.imageUp = pygame.image.load(upimage).convert_alpha() self.imageDown = pygame.image.load(downimage).convert_alpha() self.position = position self.game_start = False def isOver(self): point_x,point_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() x, y = self. position w, h = self.imageUp.get_size() in_x = x - w/2 < point_x < x + w/2 in_y = y - h/2 < point_y < y + h/2 return in_x and in_y def render(self): w, h = self.imageUp.get_size() x, y = self.position if self.isOver(): screen.blit(self.imageDown, (x-w/2,y-h/2)) else: screen.blit(self.imageUp, (x-w/2, y-h/2)) def is_start(self): if self.isOver(): b1,b2,b3 = pygame.mouse.get_pressed() if b1 == 1: self.game_start = True bg_sound.play_pause() btn_sound.play_sound() bg_sound.play_sound()def replay_music(): bg_sound.play_pause() bg_sound.play_sound()#定义一个数据IO的方法def data_read(): fd_1 = open("data.txt","r") best_score = fd_1.read() fd_1.close() return best_score #定义一个控制声音的类和初始音频的方法def audio_init(): global hit_au,btn_au,bg_au,bullent_au pygame.mixer.init() hit_au = pygame.mixer.Sound("exlposion.wav") btn_au = pygame.mixer.Sound("button.wav") bg_au = pygame.mixer.Sound("background.ogg") bullent_au = pygame.mixer.Sound("bullet.wav")class Music(): def __init__(self,sound): self.channel = None self.sound = sound def play_sound(self): self.channel = pygame.mixer.find_channel(True) self.channel.set_volume(0.5) self.channel.play(self.sound) def play_pause(self): self.channel.set_volume(0.0) self.channel.play(self.sound) #主程序部分pygame.init()audio_init()screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),0,32)pygame.display.set_caption("嗷大喵快跑!")font = pygame.font.Font(None, 22)font1 = pygame.font.Font(None, 40)framerate = pygame.time.Clock()upImageFilename = "game_start_up.png"downImageFilename = "game_start_down.png"#创建按钮对象button = Button(upImageFilename,downImageFilename, (400,500))interface = pygame.image.load("interface.png")#创建地图对象bg1 = MyMap(0,0)bg2 = MyMap(600,0)#创建一个精灵组group = pygame.sprite.Group()group_exp = pygame.sprite.Group()group_fruit = pygame.sprite.Group()#创建怪物精灵dragon = MySprite()dragon.load("dragon.png", 260, 150, 3)dragon.position = 100, 230group.add(dragon)#创建爆炸动画explosion = MySprite()explosion.load("explosion.png",128,128,6)#创建玩家精灵player = MySprite()player.load("sprite.png", 100, 100, 4)player.position = 400, 270group.add(player)#创建子弹精灵arrow = MySprite()arrow.load("flame.png", 40, 16, 1)arrow.position = 800,320group.add(arrow)#定义一些变量arrow_vel = 10.0game_over = Falseyou_win = Falseplayer_jumping = Falsejump_vel = 0.0player_start_y = player.Yplayer_hit = Falsemonster_hit = Falsep_first = Truem_first = Truebest_score = 0global bg_sound,hit_sound,btn_sound,bullent_soundbg_sound=Music(bg_au)hit_sound=Music(hit_au)btn_sound=Music(btn_au)bullent_sound =Music(bullent_au)game_round = {1:"ROUND ONE",2:"ROUND TWO",3:"ROUND THREE",4:"ROUND FOUR",5:"ROUND FIVE"}game_pause = Trueindex =0current_time = 0start_time = 0music_time = 0score =0replay_flag = True#循环bg_sound.play_sound()best_score = data_read()while True: framerate.tick(60) ticks = pygame.time.get_ticks() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_ESCAPE]: pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif keys[K_SPACE]: if not player_jumping: player_jumping = True jump_vel = -12.0 screen.blit(interface,(0,0)) button.render() button.is_start() if button.game_start == True: if game_pause : index +=1 tmp_x =0 if score >int (best_score): best_score = score fd_2 = open("data.txt","w+") fd_2.write(str(best_score)) fd_2.close() #判断游戏是否通关 if index == 6: you_win = True if you_win: start_time = time.clock() current_time =time.clock()-start_time while current_time<5: screen.fill((200, 200, 200)) print_text(font1, 270, 150,"YOU WIN THE GAME!",(240,20,20)) current_time =time.clock()-start_time print_text(font1, 320, 250, "Best Score:",(120,224,22)) print_text(font1, 370, 290, str(best_score),(255,0,0)) print_text(font1, 270, 330, "This Game Score:",(120,224,22)) print_text(font1, 385, 380, str(score),(255,0,0)) pygame.display.update() pygame.quit() sys.exit() for i in range(0,100): element = MySprite() element.load("fruit.bmp", 75, 20, 1) tmp_x +=random.randint(50,120) element.X = tmp_x+300 element.Y = random.randint(80,200) group_fruit.add(element) start_time = time.clock() current_time =time.clock()-start_time while current_time<3: screen.fill((200, 200, 200)) print_text(font1, 320, 250,game_round[index],(240,20,20)) pygame.display.update() game_pause = False current_time =time.clock()-start_time else: #更新子弹 if not game_over: arrow.X -= arrow_vel if arrow.X < -40: reset_arrow() #碰撞检测,子弹是否击中玩家 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(arrow, player): reset_arrow() explosion.position =player.X,player.Y player_hit = True hit_sound.play_sound() if p_first: group_exp.add(explosion) p_first = False player.X -= 10 #碰撞检测,子弹是否击中怪物 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(arrow, dragon): reset_arrow() explosion.position =dragon.X+50,dragon.Y+50 monster_hit = True hit_sound.play_sound() if m_first: group_exp.add(explosion) m_first = False dragon.X -= 10 #碰撞检测,玩家是否被怪物追上 if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(player, dragon): game_over = True #遍历果实,使果实移动 for e in group_fruit: e.X -=5 collide_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player,group_fruit,False) score +=len(collide_list) #是否通过关卡 if dragon.X < -100: game_pause = True reset_arrow() player.X = 400 dragon.X = 100 #检测玩家是否处于跳跃状态 if player_jumping: if jump_vel <0: jump_vel += 0.6 elif jump_vel >= 0: jump_vel += 0.8 player.Y += jump_vel if player.Y > player_start_y: player_jumping = False player.Y = player_start_y jump_vel = 0.0 #绘制背景 bg1.map_update() bg2.map_update() bg1.map_rolling() bg2.map_rolling() #更新精灵组 if not game_over: group.update(ticks, 60) group_exp.update(ticks,60) group_fruit.update(ticks,60) #循环播放背景音乐 music_time = time.clock() if music_time > 150 and replay_flag: replay_music() replay_flag =False #绘制精灵组 group.draw(screen) group_fruit.draw(screen) if player_hit or monster_hit: group_exp.draw(screen) print_text(font, 330, 560, "press SPACE to jump up!") print_text(font, 200, 20, "You have get Score:",(219,224,22)) print_text(font1, 380, 10, str(score),(255,0,0)) if game_over: start_time = time.clock() current_time =time.clock()-start_time while current_time<5: screen.fill((200, 200, 200)) print_text(font1, 300, 150,"GAME OVER!",(240,20,20)) current_time =time.clock()-start_time print_text(font1, 320, 250, "Best Score:",(120,224,22)) if score >int (best_score): best_score = score print_text(font1, 370, 290, str(best_score),(255,0,0)) print_text(font1, 270, 330, "This Game Score:",(120,224,22)) print_text(font1, 370, 380, str(score),(255,0,0)) pygame.display.update() fd_2 = open("data.txt","w+") fd_2.write(str(best_score)) fd_2.close() pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update()
噗~哈哈哈 咋感觉我最近的画风有点儿不对,都是一些奇奇怪怪可可爱爱的儿童画风!
你们的支持是我最大的动力!!记得三连哦~mua 欢迎大家阅读往期的文章哦~
项目1.8 人机五子棋游戏
项目4.2 我的世界游戏
项目4.4 剧情版游戏
项目1.1 扫雷
项目1.2 魂斗罗
Pygame实战:多年后“魂斗罗”像素风归来 不止是经典与情怀@全体成员
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