提示:ABOV 实现多机通信控制,来实现移动监测运动平台的控制
IO输出 AD检测 串口通信
实现对两台运动机构的控制,并完成机构上待测产品的测试 并将数据回传到多路终端
//======================================================// Main program routine// - Device name : MC95FG308// - Package type : 28SOP//======================================================// For XDATA variable : V1.041.00 ~#define MAIN 1// Generated : Fri, Nov 12, 2021 (21:10:31)#include "MC95FG308.h"#include "func_def.h"#include "IO_code.h"#include "usart_code.h"#include "function_code.h"void main(){ cli(); // disable INT. during peripheral setting port_init(); // initialize ports clock_init(); // initialize operation clock ADC_init(); // initialize A/D convertor Timer0_init(); // initialize Timer0 UART_init(); // initialize UART interface sei(); // enable INT. // TODO: add your main code here placeX_now = 0; //上电默认为0 坐标吧 while(1){ fn_function_check(); //在这里进行处理函数 // TODO: add other code here }}//======================================================// interrupt routines//======================================================void INT_USART0_Rx() interrupt 6{ // USART0 Rx interrupt // TODO: add your code here dataR0 = UART_read(0); fn_check_usart(0,&dataR0); //UART_write(0,dataR0);}void INT_USART1_Rx() interrupt 10{ // USART1 Rx interrupt // TODO: add your code here}void INT_Timer0() interrupt 12{ // Timer0 interrupt // TODO: add your code here Led_Time_Change(100);}void INT_ADC() interrupt 18{ // ADC interrupt // TODO: add your code here}void INT_BIT() interrupt 22{ // BIT interrupt // TODO: add your code here}//======================================================// peripheral setting routines//======================================================unsigned char UART_read(unsigned char ch){ unsigned char dat; if (ch == (unsigned char)0) { // UART0 while(!(USTAT & 0x20)); // wait dat = UDATA; // read } if (ch == (unsigned char)1) { // UART1 while(!(USTAT1 & 0x20)); // wait dat = UDATA1; // read } return dat;}unsigned int ADC_read(){ // read A/D convertor unsigned int adcVal; while(!(ADCM & 0x10)); // wait ADC busy adcVal = (ADCRH << 8) | ADCRL; // read ADC ADCM &= ~0x40; // stop ADC return adcVal;}void ADC_init(){ // initialize A/D convertor ADCM = 0x00; // setting ADCM2 = 0x04; // trigger source, alignment, frequency IEN3 |= 0x01; // enable ADC interrupt}void ADC_start(unsigned char ch){ // start A/D convertor ADCM = (ADCM & 0xf0) | (ch & 0xf); // select channel ADCM |= 0x40; // start ADC}void Timer0_init(){ // initialize Timer0 // 8bit timer, period = 9.984000mS T0CR = 0x96; // timer setting T0DR = 0xE9; // period count IEN2 |= 0x01; // Enable Timer0 interrupt T0CR |= 0x01; // clear counter}void UART_init(){ // initialize UART interface // UART0 : ASync. 9615bps N 8 1 UCTRL2 = 0x02; // activate UART0 UCTRL1 = 0x06; // Async/Sync, bit count, parity UCTRL2 |= 0xAC; // interrupt, speed //UCTRL2 |= 0x10; // enable line when you want to use wake up in STOP mode UCTRL3 = 0x00; // stop bit UBAUD = 0x4D; // baud rate // UART1 : ASync. 9615bps N 8 1 UCTRL12 = 0x02; // activate UART1 UCTRL11 = 0x06; // Async/Sync, bit count, parity UCTRL12 |= 0xAC; // interrupt, speed //UCTRL12 |= 0x10; // enable line when you want to use wake up in STOP mode UCTRL13 = 0x00; // stop bit UBAUD1 = 0x4D; // baud rate IEN1 |= 0x11; // enable UART interrupt}void UART_write(unsigned char ch, unsigned char dat){ if (ch == (unsigned char)0) { // UART0 while(!(USTAT & 0x80)); // wait UDATA = dat; // write } if (ch == (unsigned char)1) { // UART1 while(!(USTAT1 & 0x80)); // wait UDATA1 = dat; // write }}void clock_init(){ // external clock cli(); IEN3 |= 0x10; // Enable BIT interrupt sei(); BCCR = 0x05; // 16msec BIT SCCR = 0x81; // External clock PCON = 0x03; // STOP1 mode entry _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); _nop_(); SCCR &= ~0x80; // clock changed IEN3 &= ~0x10; // Disable BIT interrupt}void port_init(){ // initialize ports // 3 : AN4 in // 8 : P10 out // 9 : P11 out // 16 : TxD1 out // 17 : RxD1 in // 19 : XIN in // 20 : XOUT out // 25 : TxD0 out // 26 : RxD0 in // 28 : P31 out P0IO = 0xE7; // direction P0PU = 0x08; // pullup P0OD = 0x00; // open drain P0DB = 0x00; // debounce P0 = 0x00; // port initial value P1IO = 0xFB; // direction P1PU = 0x00; // pullup P1OD = 0x00; // open drain P1DB = 0x00; // debounce P1 = 0x00; // port initial value P2IO = 0xFE; // direction P2PU = 0x00; // pullup P2OD = 0x00; // open drain P2DB = 0x00; // debounce P2 = 0x00; // port initial value P3IO = 0x7F; // direction P3PU = 0x80; // pullup P3OD = 0x00; // open drain P3DB = 0x00; // debounce P3 = 0x00; // port initial value // Set port function PSR0 = 0x10; // AN7 ~ AN0 PSR1 = 0x00; // I2C, AN14 ~ AN8}
IO_code.h :
#ifndef _IO_CODE_#define _IO_CODE_#include "MC95FG308.h"#include "func_def.h"#define TIME_Goforward 6 //时间为前进控制时间#define TIME_GoBACK_Long 18 //时间为回退长控制时间#define TIME_GoBACK_short 6 //时间为回退短控制时间#define IO_Goforward P11 //IO口为前进控制口#define IO_GoBACK P10 //IO口为后退控制口unsigned int fn_IO_run(unsigned char distance); //前进控制程序unsigned int fn_IO_goback(unsigned char back_time); //后退控制程序void delay_ms(unsigned int count);void delay_us(unsigned int count);void delay_s(unsigned int count);void Led_Time_Change(unsigned int count);void Led_flash(void);#endif
IO_code.c :
#include "IO_code.h"#include "usart_code.h" #include "function_code.h"/************************************************************* @brief * unsigned int fn_IO_run(unsigned char distance)* @param * @retval *************************************************************/ unsigned int fn_IO_run(unsigned char distance){ // 前进控制程序 unsigned char xdistance; if(distance<=placeX_MIN){return 0;} // 前进不能小于最小位移坐标 for(xdistance=0 ;xdistance<distance ;xdistance++ ){ IO_Goforward = 1 ; delay_s(1); IO_Goforward = 0 ; //循环前进 delay_s(TIME_Goforward); if(bdata_effect==1){ //中通接收到新的指令就出去了 return xdistance; } } return xdistance;}/************************************************************* @brief * unsigned int fn_IO_goback(unsigned char back_time)* @param * @retval *************************************************************/ unsigned int fn_IO_goback(unsigned char back_time){ // 后退控制程序 IO_GoBACK = 1 ; delay_s(1); IO_GoBACK = 0 ; delay_s(back_time); if(bdata_effect==1){ return 2; } return 0;} /************************************************************* @brief * void Led_Time_Change(unsigned int count)* @param * @retval *************************************************************/ unsigned char count_Ledtime;void Led_Time_Change(unsigned int count){ //中断定时器里IO闪烁 if(count_Ledtime++>count){ count_Ledtime=0; P31 = ~P31; } }/************************************************************* @brief * void Led_flash(void)* @param * @retval *************************************************************/ void Led_flash(void){ P31 = ~P31; delay_ms(100); P31 = ~P31; delay_ms(100); P31 = ~P31;}/************************************************************* @brief * Delay 函数* @param * @retval *************************************************************/ void delay_us(unsigned int count){ unsigned int a=0 ; for(a=0;a<count;a++){ ; } }//-----------------------------------------------------void delay_ms(unsigned int count){ unsigned int a=0,b=0; for(a=0;a<count;a++){ delay_us(400); } }void delay_s(unsigned int count){ unsigned int a=0,b=0; for(a=0;a<count;a++){ delay_ms(1100); if(bdata_effect==1){ return; } } }
#ifndef _USART_CODE_#define _USART_CODE_#include "MC95FG308.h"#include "func_def.h"extern volatile unsigned char bdata_begin ;extern volatile unsigned char bdata_judge ;extern volatile unsigned char bdata_effect ;extern volatile unsigned char bdata_error ; #define _DATA_GET 0xAB #define _DATA_GET_CODE 4#define _DATA_GET_MODE 7 #define U_Scom_car 0xBA#define U_Scom_code1 0x01 //开始#define U_Scom_code2 0x02 //暂停#define U_Scom_code3 0x03 //位移到目标坐标附件 #define U_Scom_code4 0x04 //开始测试目标坐标#define U_Scom_code5 0x05 //返回起点#define U_Scom_code6 0x06 //复位#define U_Scom_code7 0x07 //故障extern unsigned char UART_SENDCODE[_DATA_GET_CODE];extern unsigned char dataR0 ;extern unsigned char UART_GETcommand_car; //串口最终的设备地址extern unsigned char UART_GETcommand_code; //串口最终的命令extern unsigned char UART_GETcommand_X; //串口最终的X命令extern unsigned char UART_GETcommand_Y; //串口最终的Y命令 void fn_usart_senddata(unsigned char ch, unsigned char *dat ,unsigned int num ); void fn_check_usart(unsigned char ch,unsigned char *dataget);void fn_usart_sendcommande(unsigned char com_car, unsigned char com_code ,unsigned char com_X , unsigned char com_Y ); #endif
usart_code.c :
#include "usart_code.h"#include "IO_code.h"volatile unsigned char bdata_begin ;volatile unsigned char bdata_judge ;volatile unsigned char bdata_effect ; //---------------------- 接收对应 码值 ---------------------------------const unsigned char UART_GETCODE[_DATA_GET_MODE][_DATA_GET_CODE]
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