【LeetCode 二叉树专项】寻找重复的子树(652)

leejan97 / 2561人阅读


1. 题目


1.1 示例

  • 示例 1 1 1

    • 输入: root = [1, 2, 3, 4, null, 2, 4, null, null, 4]
    • 输出: [[2, 4], [4]]
  • 示例 2 2 2

    • 输入: root = [2, 1, 1]
    • 输出: [[1]]

  • 示例 3 3 3

    • 输入: root = [2, 2, 2, 3, null, 3, null]
    • 输出: [[2, 3], [3]]

1.2 说明

1.3 限制

  • 二叉树中的节点数量在 [ 1 ,   1 0 4 ] [1,/textit{ }10^4] [1, 104] 之间;
  • -200 <= Node.val <= 200

2. 解法一

2.1 分析


实际上,所谓给出二叉树的某种唯一表达其实就是对二叉树进行序列化,而在【LeetCode 二叉树专项】二叉树的序列化与反序列化(297)中,我们给出了基于二叉树深度优先搜索(前序遍历、后序遍历)以及广度优先搜索实现的二叉树序列化。


2.2 实现

from json import dumpsfrom typing import Optional, List, Set, Dict, Unionclass TreeNode:    def __init__(self, val=0, left: "TreeNode" = None, right: "TreeNode" = None):        self.val = val        self.left = left        self.right = rightclass Solution:    def _find_duplicate_subtrees(self, root: TreeNode,                                 memorandum: Dict[str, int],                                 results: List[TreeNode]) -> Optional[List[int]]:        if not isinstance(root, TreeNode):            return        left = self._find_duplicate_subtrees(root.left, memorandum, results)        right = self._find_duplicate_subtrees(root.right, memorandum, results)        postorder = []        if left:            postorder = postorder + left        else:            postorder.append(left)        if right:            postorder = postorder + right        else:            postorder.append(right)        postorder.append(root.val)        dumped = dumps(postorder)        # if dumped in memorandum.keys() and memorandum[dumped] == 1:        if memorandum.get(dumped, 0) == 1:  # The above commented if-clause is a pedantic counterpart.            results.append(root)        memorandum[dumped] = memorandum.get(dumped, 0) + 1        return postorder    def find_duplicate_subtrees(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> Optional[List[TreeNode]]:        if not isinstance(root, TreeNode):            return        memorandum = dict()        results = []        self._find_duplicate_subtrees(root, memorandum, results)        print("memorandum =", memorandum)        return resultsdef postorder(root: TreeNode, tree: List[Union[int, None]]):    if not root:        tree.append(None)        return    postorder(root.left, tree)    postorder(root.right, tree)    tree.append(root.val)def main():    node7 = TreeNode(4)    node6 = TreeNode(4)    node5 = TreeNode(2, left=node7)    node4 = TreeNode(4)    node3 = TreeNode(3, node5, node6)    node2 = TreeNode(2, left=node4)    node1 = TreeNode(1, node2, node3)    root = node1    sln = Solution()    for root in sln.find_duplicate_subtrees(root):        tree = []        postorder(root, tree)        print("postorder =", dumps(tree))if __name__ == "__main__":    main()


memorandum = {"[null, null, 4]": 3, "[null, null, 4, null, 2]": 2, "[null, null, 4, null, 2, null, null, 4, 3]": 1, "[null, null, 4, null, 2, null, null, 4, null, 2, null, null, 4, 3, 1]": 1}postorder = [null, null, 4]postorder = [null, null, 4, null, 2]

实际上, LeetCode 官方通过使用 collections 模块中的 Counter 类,给出了一个如下的非常优雅的解答,其中关于 Counter 类的使用,可以参考【源码共读】Python 标准模块 collections 中 Counter 类详解

from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Unionfrom collections import Counterclass TreeNode:    def __init__(self, val=0, left: "TreeNode" = None, right: "TreeNode" = None):        self.val = val        self.left = left        self.right = rightclass Solution:    def _collect(self, node: TreeNode, duplicates: List[TreeNode], count: Counter):        if not node:            return "#"        serial = "{},{},{}".format(self._collect(node.left, duplicates, count),                                   self._collect(node.right, duplicates, count),                                   node.val)        count[serial] += 1        if count[serial] == 2:            duplicates.append(node)        return serial    def elegantly_find_duplicate_subtrees(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> List[Optional[TreeNode]]:        count = Counter()        duplicates = []        self._collect(root, duplicates, count)        return duplicatesdef postorder(root: TreeNode, tree: List[Union[int, None]]):    if not root:        tree.append(None)        return    postorder(root.left, tree)    postorder(root.right, tree)    tree.append(root.val)def main():    node7 = TreeNode(4)    node6 = TreeNode(4)    node5 = TreeNode(2, left=node7)    node4 = TreeNode(4)    node3 = TreeNode(3, node5, node6)    node2 = TreeNode(2, left=node4)    node1 = TreeNode(1, node2, node3)    root = node1    sln = Solution()    for root in sln.elegantly_find_duplicate_subtrees(root):        tree = []        postorder(root, tree)        print("postorder =", dumps(tree))if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

实际上,在上述解答的 第 15 15 15 行中,如果将 return "#" 改为 return 也是正确的,但不为何此时在 LeetCode 上提交时,执行耗时和内存消耗的数据都非常差,希望看到这篇题解而且知道缘由的有缘人可以在评论区留下你的指导。

2.3 复杂度

  • 时间复杂度: O ( N 2 ) O(N^2) O(N2) ,当给定二叉树的所有节点呈一条链状时,比较容易分析其最坏时间复杂度: 1 + 2 + ⋯ + N 1+2+/cdots+N 1+2++N
  • 空间复杂度: O ( N 2 ) O(N^2) O(N2) ,当给定二叉树的所有节点呈一条链状时,比较容易分析其最坏空间复杂度: 1 + 2 + ⋯ + N 1+2+/cdots+N 1+2++N




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