CSS Architecture base.less - Provide style reset and atomic functions
the project module(.epc-page) styles
body styles
width factor
common width
common.less - Abstract the component styles common to the site.page layout
responsive width
common component styles
page.less - A particular style of a particular page.All function pages must have their scope
Defining global styles is prohibited
CSS Written OrderLocation attribute (position, top, right, z-index, display, float ...)
Size (width, height, padding, margin ...)
Text series (font, line-height, letter-spacing, color- text-align ...)
Background (background, border ...)
Other (animation, transition ...)
CSS Written Standard abbreviation CSS has some properties that can be abbreviated, such as padding, margin, font, etc. This streamlines the code while improving the user"s reading experience. Remove the "0" before the decimal point Abbreviated name-Easy to understand, but not casual. Hyphenated CSS selector naming conventionLong names or phrases can use the middle dash to name selectors.
It is not recommended to use the "_" underscore to name the CSS selector. Why?
Press the shift key a little while typing.
Browser compatibility issues (named after a selector using _tips, for example, is invalid in IE6)
Well-distributed JavaScript variable naming (JS variable name is "_")
Do not use id freelyThe ID is unique and high priority, so we should use it on demand.
Less usage Variables@nice-blue: #5B83AD; #header { color: @nice-blue; }
We can define the font, size, color, etc. as constants.
Mixins.bordered { border-top: dotted 1px black; border-bottom: solid 2px black; } .post a { color: red; .bordered; }
We can transfer variables, Usage is similar to functions
Nested Rules.header { color: black; } .header .navigation { font-size: 12px; } .header-logo { width: 300px; } .header { .navigation { font-size: 12px; } &-logo { width: 300px; } }
Directives such as media or keyframe can be nested in the same way as selectors.
Namespaces and Accessors#bundle { .button { display: block; border: 1px solid black; background-color: grey; &:hover { background-color: white } } .tab { ... } .citation { ... } }
We should use the component"s namespace and scope.
Scope@var: red; #page { @var: white; #header { color: @var; // white } }
摘要:分享实录云计算技术源于互联网公司,现在云计算已经是下一代企业级的发展趋势。如何做云计算一直是云计算技术的领导者。互联网公司的快速发展,已经印证了云计算技术和云原生应用相比传统构架的巨大优势。 今天小数又给大家带来一篇干货满满的分享——来自KVM社区线上群分享的实录,分享嘉宾是数人云CEO王璞,题目是《云计算与 Cloud Native》。这是数人云在KVM社区群分享的第一弹,之后还有数...
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摘要:编者按本文作者为,文章从程序架构与系统的发展历程出发,逐步论证了为什么响应式编程并非一时之势,而是能带来更快处理速度,更高硬件利用率的未来选择。这就是摩尔定律所说的应用程序。响应式方法并非一时之势它是编写软件的未来趋势。 【编者按】本文作者为 David Buschman,文章从程序架构与系统的发展历程出发,逐步论证了为什么响应式编程并非一时之势,而是能带来更快处理速度,更高硬件利用率...
摘要:现在回到我们这一章节的标题,将它做下补充关于那些事四之基于构架基础样式库基础库构思为什么要做基础库我上一章节的末尾抛出了几个问题假设你要做一个游戏单页面,网页上并不存在表单内容,那么你就要移除一些冗余的代码,开始自定义样式来满足自己的需求。 前言 先来回顾一下前几章节,我们都说了哪些内容: CSS Reset 历史 与 Normalize.css 介绍 Normalize.css...
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