本文主要讲一下session fixation attacks以及spring security对它的防范。
session fixation attacks会话固定攻击,是利用那些登录前和登录之后sessionId没有变化的漏洞来获取登录态,进而获取用户的相关信息等。
/** * Changes the session ID of the session associated with this request. This * method does not create a new session object it only changes the ID of the * current session. * * @return the new session ID allocated to the session * @see HttpSessionIdListener * @since Servlet 3.1 */ public String changeSessionId();SessionAuthenticationStrategy
/** * Allows pluggable support for HttpSession-related behaviour when an authentication * occurs. ** Typical use would be to make sure a session exists or to change the session Id to guard * against session-fixation attacks. * * @author Luke Taylor * @since */ public interface SessionAuthenticationStrategy { /** * Performs Http session-related functionality when a new authentication occurs. * * @throws SessionAuthenticationException if it is decided that the authentication is * not allowed for the session. This will typically be because the user has too many * sessions open at once. */ void onAuthentication(Authentication authentication, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws SessionAuthenticationException; }
spring security 提供了SessionAuthenticationStrategy接口,用来在登陆成功之后的处理session相关逻辑,它有个抽象类AbstractSessionFixationProtectionStrategyAbstractSessionFixationProtectionStrategy
/** * Called when a user is newly authenticated. ** If a session already exists, and matches the session Id from the client, a new * session will be created, and the session attributes copied to it (if * {@code migrateSessionAttributes} is set). If the client"s requested session Id is * invalid, nothing will be done, since there is no need to change the session Id if * it doesn"t match the current session. *
* If there is no session, no action is taken unless the {@code alwaysCreateSession} * property is set, in which case a session will be created if one doesn"t already * exist. */ public void onAuthentication(Authentication authentication, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { boolean hadSessionAlready = request.getSession(false) != null; if (!hadSessionAlready && !alwaysCreateSession) { // Session fixation isn"t a problem if there"s no session return; } // Create new session if necessary HttpSession session = request.getSession(); if (hadSessionAlready && request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()) { String originalSessionId; String newSessionId; Object mutex = WebUtils.getSessionMutex(session); synchronized (mutex) { // We need to migrate to a new session originalSessionId = session.getId(); session = applySessionFixation(request); newSessionId = session.getId(); } if (originalSessionId.equals(newSessionId)) { logger.warn("Your servlet container did not change the session ID when a new session was created. You will" + " not be adequately protected against session-fixation attacks"); } onSessionChange(originalSessionId, session, authentication); } }
如果是servlet3.1的话,则spring security默认的SessionAuthenticationStrategy就是ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategySessionManagementConfigurer
/** * Creates the default {@link SessionAuthenticationStrategy} for session fixation * @return the default {@link SessionAuthenticationStrategy} for session fixation */ private static SessionAuthenticationStrategy createDefaultSessionFixationProtectionStrategy() { try { return new ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategy(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return new SessionFixationProtectionStrategy(); } }ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategy
/** * Uses {@code HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId()} to protect against session fixation * attacks. This is the default implementation for Servlet 3.1+. * * @author Rob Winch * @since 3.2 */ public final class ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategy extends AbstractSessionFixationProtectionStrategy { private final Method changeSessionIdMethod; public ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategy() { Method changeSessionIdMethod = ReflectionUtils .findMethod(HttpServletRequest.class, "changeSessionId"); if (changeSessionIdMethod == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "HttpServletRequest.changeSessionId is undefined. Are you using a Servlet 3.1+ environment?"); } this.changeSessionIdMethod = changeSessionIdMethod; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.springframework.security.web.authentication.session. * AbstractSessionFixationProtectionStrategy * #applySessionFixation(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) */ @Override HttpSession applySessionFixation(HttpServletRequest request) { ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(this.changeSessionIdMethod, request); return request.getSession(); } }
/** * Changes the session ID of the session associated with this request. * * @return the old session ID before it was changed * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener * @since Servlet 3.1 */ @Override public String changeSessionId() { Session session = this.getSessionInternal(false); if (session == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( sm.getString("coyoteRequest.changeSessionId")); } Manager manager = this.getContext().getManager(); manager.changeSessionId(session); String newSessionId = session.getId(); this.changeSessionId(newSessionId); return newSessionId; }
@Override public void changeSessionId(Session session) { String newId = generateSessionId(); changeSessionId(session, newId, true, true); } protected void changeSessionId(Session session, String newId, boolean notifySessionListeners, boolean notifyContainerListeners) { String oldId = session.getIdInternal(); session.setId(newId, false); session.tellChangedSessionId(newId, oldId, notifySessionListeners, notifyContainerListeners); } /** * Generate and return a new session identifier. * @return a new session id */ protected String generateSessionId() { String result = null; do { if (result != null) { // Not thread-safe but if one of multiple increments is lost // that is not a big deal since the fact that there was any // duplicate is a much bigger issue. duplicates++; } result = sessionIdGenerator.generateSessionId(); } while (sessions.containsKey(result)); return result; }StandardSessionIdGenerator#generateSessionId
public class StandardSessionIdGenerator extends SessionIdGeneratorBase { @Override public String generateSessionId(String route) { byte random[] = new byte[16]; int sessionIdLength = getSessionIdLength(); // Render the result as a String of hexadecimal digits // Start with enough space for sessionIdLength and medium route size StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(2 * sessionIdLength + 20); int resultLenBytes = 0; while (resultLenBytes < sessionIdLength) { getRandomBytes(random); for (int j = 0; j < random.length && resultLenBytes < sessionIdLength; j++) { byte b1 = (byte) ((random[j] & 0xf0) >> 4); byte b2 = (byte) (random[j] & 0x0f); if (b1 < 10) buffer.append((char) ("0" + b1)); else buffer.append((char) ("A" + (b1 - 10))); if (b2 < 10) buffer.append((char) ("0" + b2)); else buffer.append((char) ("A" + (b2 - 10))); resultLenBytes++; } } if (route != null && route.length() > 0) { buffer.append(".").append(route); } else { String jvmRoute = getJvmRoute(); if (jvmRoute != null && jvmRoute.length() > 0) { buffer.append(".").append(jvmRoute); } } return buffer.toString(); } }
spring security通过SessionAuthenticationStrategy,在登录成功之后进行相关session处理,如果servlet3.1+,则使用ChangeSessionIdAuthenticationStrategy来更换sessionId,以防范session fixation attacks。
docSession fixation
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