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//t代表banner切换的时间间隔;int代表banner渐变的时长;auto代表banner是否自动播放 function Banner(_t,_int,_auto) { this.bannerContainer = null; this.bannerBox = null; this.allBannerItem = null; this.bannerIndexBox = null; this.allBannerIndexItem = null; this.bannerInt = null; this.index = 0; this._t = _t; this._int =_int; this._auto = _auto; this.canChange = true; } Banner.prototype={ constructor:Banner, getElement:function () { this.bannerContainer = document.getElementsByClassName("banner_container")[0]; this.bannerBox = document.getElementById("banner-box"); this.allBannerItem = this.bannerBox.getElementsByTagName("li"); this.bannerIndexBox = document.getElementById("banner-index-box"); this.allBannerIndexItem = this.bannerIndexBox.getElementsByTagName("li"); }, bannerInit:function () { this.getElement(); this.bannerWidthInit(); (this._auto)&&(this.bannerAutoPlay()); this.bannerIndexClick(); }, bannerWidthInit:function () { var that = this; that.setBannerWidth(); window.onresize = function () { that.setBannerWidth(); }; }, setBannerWidth:function () { var windowW = document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(windowW<1000){ this.bannerContainer.style.height = 1000/3+"px"; }else { this.bannerContainer.style.height = windowW/3+"px"; } }, bannerChange:function (index,nextIndex) { var that = this; if(that.canChange){ that.canChange = false; var item = that.allBannerItem; item[nextIndex].style.zIndex = "2"; item[index].className += " banner-tran"; item[index].style.opacity = "0"; setTimeout(function () { item[nextIndex].style.zIndex = "3"; item[index].style.zIndex = "1"; item[index].className = item[index].className.replace(/sbanner-tran/,""); item[index].style.opacity = "1"; that.index = nextIndex; that.canChange = true; },that._int); } }, bannerAutoPlay:function () { var that = this; that.bannerInt = setInterval(function () { var nextIndex = that.index+1===that.allBannerItem.length?0:that.index+1; that.allBannerIndexItem[that.index].className = ""; that.allBannerIndexItem[nextIndex].className = "banner-index-active"; that.bannerChange(that.index,nextIndex); },that._t); }, bannerIndexClick:function () { var that = this; var item = that.allBannerIndexItem; for(var i=0;i
摘要:微软雅黑唯有旅行与美食,不负时光印度尼西亚我的人生伏笔,从东爪哇到巴厘岛天地山水,超你所愿附天加拿大自驾指南锦州天暴食顿,这是一座来了没时间观光的城市澳之秘境,倾翻的浪漫盐池西澳南澳自驾笔记 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV0n2v?w=958&h=320); html *{ margin: 0; ...
摘要:微软雅黑唯有旅行与美食,不负时光印度尼西亚我的人生伏笔,从东爪哇到巴厘岛天地山水,超你所愿附天加拿大自驾指南锦州天暴食顿,这是一座来了没时间观光的城市澳之秘境,倾翻的浪漫盐池西澳南澳自驾笔记 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bV0n2v?w=958&h=320); html *{ margin: 0; ...
摘要:作为一个菜鸟级的初学者,笔者懵懵懂懂的花了点时间仿了一个必胜客的订餐小程序,希望能对一些有需要的朋友提供一点启发。开始订餐点击开始订餐,跳转到点餐页面至此,这个必胜客小程序的首页页面就完成了,整个页面看起来还是听清爽的。 前言 什么是微信小程序?微信小程序是一种不需要下载安装即可使用的应用,它实现了应用触手可及的梦想,用户扫一扫或者搜一下即可打开应用。这体现了用完即走的理念,用户不用关...
摘要:前言为了获取多源数据需要到各个网站获取一些景点的评论信息和图片,首先选到了携程和蚂蜂窝这两个网站,将一些爬取过程记录下来本人长期出售超大量微博数据旅游网站评论数据,并提供各种指定数据爬取服务,。 前言 为了获取多源数据需要到各个网站获取一些景点的评论信息和图片,首先选到了携程和蚂蜂窝这两个网站,将一些爬取过程记录下来 PS:(本人长期出售超大量微博数据、旅游网站评论数据,并...
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