一、水平居中 1、内联元素居中:相对父级块级元素居中对齐1: .center-children { 2: text-align: center; 3: }2、块级元素居中:设置margin-left和margin-right为auto让它居中(同时还要设置width,否则它就会承满整个容器,无法看出居中效果)
1: .center-me { 2: margin: 0 auto; 3: }
1:2: 12:3: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. 4:5:6: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. I have more content in me than my siblings do. 7:8:9: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. 10:11:13: 14: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. 15:16:17: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. I have more content in me than my siblings do. 18:19:20: I"m an element that is block-like with my siblings and we"re centered in a row. 21:22:
1: body { 2: background: #f06d06; 3: font-size: 80%; 4: } 5: main { 6: background: white; 7: margin: 20px 0; 8: padding: 10px; 9: } 10: main div { 11: background: black; 12: color: white; 13: padding: 15px; 14: max-width: 125px; 15: margin: 5px; 16: } 17: .inline-block-center { 18: text-align: center; 19: } 20: .inline-block-center div { 21: display: inline-block; 22: text-align: left; 23: } 24: .flex-center { 25: display: flex; 26: justify-content: center; 27: }二、垂直居中 1、内联元素:设置相等的上下padding,或者利用line-height
1: .link { 2: padding-top: 30px; 3: padding-bottom: 30px; 4: }
1: .center-text-trick { 2: height: 100px; 3: line-height: 100px; 4: white-space: nowrap; 5: }
多行的文本也可以利用上下等padding的方式也可以让多行居中,但是如果这方法没用,你可以让这些文字的容器按table cell模式显示,然后设置文字的vertical-align属性对齐,
4: I"m vertically centered multiple lines of text in a real table cell. 5: | 6:
I"m vertically centered multiple lines of text in a CSS-created table layout.
1: body { 2: background: #f06d06; 3: font-size: 80%; 4: } 5: table { 6: background: white; 7: width: 240px; 8: border-collapse: separate; 9: margin: 20px; 10: height: 250px; 11: } 12: table td { 13: background: black; 14: color: white; 15: padding: 20px; 16: border: 10px solid white; 17: /* default is vertical-align: middle; */ 18: } 19: .center-table { 20: display: table; 21: height: 250px; 22: background: white; 23: width: 240px; 24: margin: 20px; 25: } 26: .center-table p { 27: display: table-cell; 28: margin: 0; 29: background: black; 30: color: white; 31: padding: 20px; 32: border: 10px solid white; 33: vertical-align: middle; 34: }2、块级元素
1: .parent { 2: position: relative; 3: } 4: .child { 5: position: absolute; 6: top: 50%; 7: height: 100px; 8: margin-top: -50px; /* 如果没有使用: border-box; 的盒子模型则需要设置这个 */ 9: }
1: .parent { 2: position: relative; 3: } 4: .child { 5: position: absolute; 6: top: 50%; 7: transform: translateY(-50%); 8: }
1:三、同时水平和垂直居中 1、元素有固定高度和宽度:先绝对居中,然后上移和左移50%的宽度即可2: 1: body { 2: background: #f06d06; 3: font-size: 80%; 4: } 5: main { 6: background: white; 7: height: 300px; 8: width: 200px; 9: padding: 20px; 10: margin: 20px; 11: display: flex; 12: flex-direction: column; 13: justify-content: center; 14: resize: vertical; 15: overflow: auto; 16: } 17: main div { 18: background: black; 19: color: white; 20: padding: 20px; 21: resize: vertical; 22: overflow: auto; 23: }3: I"m a block-level element with an unknown height, centered vertically within my parent. 4:5:
1: //这种方案有极好的跨浏览器支持。 2: .parent { 3: position: relative; 4: } 5: .child { 6: width: 300px; 7: height: 100px; 8: padding: 20px; 9: position: absolute; 10: top: 50%; 11: left: 50%; 12: margin: -70px 0 0 -170px; 13: }2、元素的高度和宽度未知或可变的:使用transofrm属性在两个方向都平移负50%
1: .parent { 2: position: relative; 3: } 4: .child { 5: position: absolute; 6: top: 50%; 7: left: 50%; 8: transform: translate(-50%, -50%); 9: }
摘要:高度模型浅识为的简写,简称为块级格式化上下文,为浏览器渲染某一区域的机制,中只有和中还增加了和。并非所有的布局都会在开发中使用,但是其中也会涉及一些知识点。然而在不同的纯制作各种图形纯制作各种图形多图预警 一劳永逸的搞定 flex 布局 寻根溯源话布局 一切都始于这样一个问题:怎样通过 CSS 简单而优雅的实现水平、垂直同时居中。记得刚开始学习 CSS 的时候,看到 float 属性不...
摘要:与常人的直觉不符的是,实际上表示视口宽度的,而不是。与类似,表示视口高度的。存在问题它只适用于在视口中居中的场景基于的解决方案伸缩盒是专门针对这类需求所设计的。 相关基础知识 1.内部与外部尺寸模型:(w3c草案)亲测google可支持。(http://w3.org/TR/css3-sizing ) 基于原有CSS尺寸特性,可以使CSS更容易描述内容自适应以及适应固定上下文的盒模型: ...
摘要:总结常用垂直居中方法与方法实现居中这是比较常用的方法。绝对居中实现垂直居中这是一个兼容性比较好的能够实现垂直居中的方法。 CSS—总结常用垂直居中方法 1、text-align与line-hight方法实现居中 这是比较常用的方法。通过line-hight来设置行间距是实现垂直居中的关键 .wrap{ width: 500px; heidth: 200px; l...
摘要:绝对底部前端掘金来自国外的设计达人,纯,可以实现当正文内容很少时,底部位于窗口最下面。有效解决图片使用单位边角缺失的问题前端掘金起因在移动端使用布局时图片也需要用单位。 CSS 绝对底部 - 前端 - 掘金来自国外的设计达人,纯CSS,可以实现: 当正文内容很少时,底部位于窗口最下面。当改变窗口高度时,不会出现重叠问题。甚至,创造该CSS的人还专门成立一个网站介绍这个CSS底部布局方案...
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