Try to share something when I get something to share
ES6 bring in a new scope based on block, before that we only have global and local scope.
The blocked scope declares by let, and below are the goodies:
function hi(){ let hi = 10; let hi = 20; // error out : let cannot be re-declare, var can }
function hi(){ let hi = 10; if(true){ let hi = 20; } console.log(hi); // log 10; }
function hi(){ let hi = 10; if(true){ hi = 20; } console.log(hi); // log 20; }
for(let i = 0; i< 10; i++){ setTimeout( function a() { console.log(i); //print 0 to 9 }, 100 * i); }
for(var i = 0; i< 10; i++){ setTimeout( function a() { console.log(i); //print 10 by 10 times }, 100 * i); }
Generally, var is less recommended:
if( can use const) use const else if( can use let) use let else use var
So far, very rare case this could happen, I have to learn more stuff to tell in which specific case, this happens.
Nothing new, just a summary of what I think of all the daily readings.
All above is just for beginners like me. Any meaningful comments are much welcomed and appreciated.
摘要:是的缩写,它是一种监督学习算法。每一个机器学习算法都需要数据,这次我将使用数据集。其数据集包含了个样本,都属于鸢尾属下的三个亚属,分别是山鸢尾变色鸢尾和维吉尼亚鸢尾。四个特征被用作样本的定量分析,它们分别是花萼和花瓣的长度和宽度。 译者按: 机器学习原来很简单啊,不妨动手试试! 原文: Machine Learning with JavaScript : Part 2 译者: Fund...
摘要:输出的结果为输出的结果为提升后输出的结果为重新定义了变量输出的结果为如果定义了相同的函数变量声明,后定义的声明会覆盖掉先前的声明,看如下代码输出练习的值是多少的值是多少第二题的解析请看这里参考资料文章文章中文版链接文章推荐文章变量提升 JavaScript 变量声明提升 原文链接 一个小例子 先来看个例子: console.log(a); // undefined var a =...
摘要:关于深复制详见其他博文方法数组简单用法方法的参数翻译说传入一个回调函数里面有三个参数当前遍历的元素当前元素的坐标以及遍历的数组还有一个可选参数,在里面使用就是这个值如果未传入,则是根据当前执行环境获取。 Javascript 关于array的使用 来自: 最近做项目经常会使用到数组,尤其在一个中台系统中,数组是尤为常见的...
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