源码地址: https://github.com/capricornc...
使用说明Install zx-waterfall using npm
npm i --save zx-waterfall
import ZxWaterfall from "zx-waterfall" const waterfall = new ZxWaterfall({ // HTMLElement, waterfall items"s outer container container: document.getElementById("zxWaterfall"), // children item selector, eg. ".item-container" itemSelector: ".item-wrapper", // item"s spacing, unit px gutter: 20, // item"s width itemWidth: 300 }) // reset waterfall.reset() // loaMedias waterfall.loadMedia(["http://xx.com/aaa.jpg"]).then(_ => { // change waterfall.change() })
注意container "s style must be style.position=relative|absolute|fixed
参数optionscontainer: HTMLElement
containerWidth: Number
itemSelector: String
子元素选择器,比如 样式名".item-container".
gutter: Number
verticalGutter: Number
itemWidth: Number
元素宽度, 默认 300, 会根据容器宽度自动调整.
forceItemWidth: Boolean
强制元素宽度,即使用itemWidth作为宽度值,默认 false.
align: String, Optional value left|center|right
强制宽度时,元素显示靠边位置,默认 center.
array: ["http://a.com/1.jpg", "http://a.com/2.jpg"]
@return promise
源码/** * preload image * @param url * @param handler */ function loadImage (url, handler) { let $el = document.createElement("img") $el.src = url $el.onload = handler $el.onerror = handler $el = null } /** * to int * @param m * @returns {number} */ function int (m) { let n = parseInt(m) return isNaN(n) ? 0 : n } /** * convert pseudoArray to array * @param pseudoArray * @param index * @returns {T[]} */ function slice (pseudoArray, index) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(pseudoArray, int(index)) } // default options const DEF_OPTIONS = { // HTMLElement, waterfall items"s outer container container: null, // container"s width, container are hidden when initialized // default get container offsetWidth when it"s visible containerWidth: 0, // children item selector, eg. ".item-container" itemSelector: "", // item"s spacing, unit px gutter: 20, // item"s vertical spacing, default use gutter"s value verticalGutter: 0, // item"s width itemWidth: 300, // force item width forceItemWidth: false, // Horizontal align when forceItemWidth is true align: "center" } /** * ZxWaterfall */ class ZxWaterfall { /** * constructor * @param opts */ constructor (opts) { opts = Object.assign({}, DEF_OPTIONS, opts) // check container if (!opts.container || opts.container.nodeType !== 1) { throw new TypeError(`Instancing parameter "container" is not HTMLElement.`) } // check itemSelector if (!opts.itemSelector || typeof opts.itemSelector !== "string") { throw new TypeError(`Instancing parameter "itemSelector" is null or is"t a string.`) } // check verticalGutter if (!opts.verticalGutter) { opts.verticalGutter = opts.gutter } // item number this.count = 0 this.opts = opts this._init() // clone this.reset this._resetClone = this.reset.bind(this) window.addEventListener("resize", this._resetClone) } /** * initialization * @private */ _init () { let opts = this.opts // container width let containerWidth = int(opts.containerWidth) || opts.container.offsetWidth // column number let columnNum = Math.floor(containerWidth / (opts.itemWidth + opts.gutter)) // opts.itemWidth when opts.forceItemWidth = true // else use compute new width this.itemWidth = opts.forceItemWidth ? opts.itemWidth : (containerWidth - (columnNum + 1) * opts.gutter) / columnNum // column current height array this.columns = Array(columnNum) this.columns.fill(0, 0) // offset left when forceItemWidth=true this.offsetLeft = 0 if (opts.forceItemWidth) { let residualSpaceWidth = containerWidth - (this.itemWidth + opts.gutter) * columnNum - opts.gutter switch (opts.align) { case "center": this.offsetLeft = residualSpaceWidth / 2 break case "right": this.offsetLeft = residualSpaceWidth break } } } /** * set items position * @private */ _setPosition () { let opts = this.opts // get new item elements let $childs = slice(opts.container.querySelectorAll(opts.itemSelector), this.count) // console.log(this.count, $childs) let len = $childs.length // reset this.count value this.count += len // handle new $item let i, $item for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { $item = $childs[i] if (!$item) continue $item.style.position = "absolute" $item.style.width = this.itemWidth + "px" $item.style.display = "inline-block" // get columns min value let min = Math.min.apply(null, this.columns) let index = this.columns.findIndex(val => val === min) // set $item position $item.style.top = `${min + opts.verticalGutter}px` $item.style.left = `${this.offsetLeft + (this.itemWidth + opts.gutter) * index + opts.gutter}px` // reset waterfall current column height value let itemHeight = $item.offsetHeight this.columns[index] = min + itemHeight + opts.verticalGutter // update container new min height style // opts.container.style.minHeight = Math.max.apply(null, this.columns) + opts.verticalGutter + "px" } } /** * container"s items number change */ change () { // reset postion, when new item element append to container, or remove this._setPosition() } /** * reset */ reset () { this.count = 0 this._init() this._setPosition() } /** * preload media items * @param arr media source urls array * @returns {Promise} */ loadMedia (arr) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (Array.isArray(arr) && arr.length) { let len = arr.length let count = 0 /* eslint-disable */ arr.forEach(url => { loadImage(url, () => { count++ if (len === count) resolve() }) }) } else { resolve() } }) } /** * destroy * removeEventListener window resize */ destroy () { window.removeEventListener("resize", this._resetClone) } } export default ZxWaterfall
demo: https://github.com/capricornc...
摘要:前言最近在整理基础知识,接触到了几个常用的页面特效,其中觉得用原生实现瀑布流的案例十分有趣,于是与大家分享一下。瀑布流瀑布流,又称瀑布流式布局。通过定位的方式是我们实现瀑布流的最基本的原理,只要我们动态的设置它的值值,就能让它排列。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000012621941?w=1052&h=542); 前...
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摘要:一一些闲话作为一个写静态的切图仔,其实日常工作中根本用不上瀑布流这种小清新,毕竟营销页面都是要求抢眼吸睛高大上文案爸爸说啥都对。昨上午闲着没事看到别人写的瀑布流的帖子,觉得很好玩的样子,然后决定上午就写一个试试。。。 一、一些闲话 作为一个写静态的切图仔,其实日常工作中根本用不上瀑布流这种小清新,毕竟营销页面都是要求 抢眼__、__吸睛__、 __高大上 (文案爸爸说啥都对)。 昨上...
摘要:瀑布流布局中的图片有一个核心特点等宽不定等高,瀑布流布局在国内网网站都有一定规模的使用,比如花瓣网等等。那么接下来就基于这个特点开始瀑布流探索之旅。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000013059759?w=640&h=280); 瀑布流布局中的图片有一个核心特点 —— 等宽不定等高,瀑布流布局在国内网网站都有一定规模...
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