测试代码质量的唯一方式:别人看你代码时说 f * k 的次数。
变量 用有意义且常用的单词命名变量 Bad:const yyyymmdstr = moment().format("YYYY/MM/DD");
Good:const currentDate = moment().format("YYYY/MM/DD");
保持统一可能同一个项目对于获取用户信息,会有三个不一样的命名。应该保持统一,如果你不知道该如何取名,可以去 codelf 搜索,看别人是怎么取名的。
Bad:getUserInfo(); getClientData(); getCustomerRecord();Good:
每个常量都该命名可以用 buddy.js 或者 ESLint 检测代码中未命名的常量。
Bad:// 三个月之后你还能知道 86400000 是什么吗? setTimeout(blastOff, 86400000);Good:
const MILLISECOND_IN_A_DAY = 86400000; setTimeout(blastOff, MILLISECOND_IN_A_DAY);可描述
Bad:const ADDRESS = "One Infinite Loop, Cupertino 95014"; const CITY_ZIP_CODE_REGEX = /^[^,]+[,s]+(.+?)s*(d{5})?$/; saveCityZipCode(ADDRESS.match(CITY_ZIP_CODE_REGEX)[1], ADDRESS.match(CITY_ZIP_CODE_REGEX)[2]);Good:
const ADDRESS = "One Infinite Loop, Cupertino 95014"; const CITY_ZIP_CODE_REGEX = /^[^,]+[,s]+(.+?)s*(d{5})?$/; const [, city, zipCode] = ADDRESS.match(CITY_ZIP_CODE_REGEX) || []; saveCityZipCode(city, zipCode);直接了当 Bad:
const l = ["Austin", "New York", "San Francisco"]; locations.forEach((l) => { doStuff(); doSomeOtherStuff(); // ... // ... // ... // 需要看其他代码才能确定 "l" 是干什么的。 dispatch(l); });Good:
const locations = ["Austin", "New York", "San Francisco"]; locations.forEach((location) => { doStuff(); doSomeOtherStuff(); // ... // ... // ... dispatch(location); });避免无意义的前缀
如果创建了一个对象 car,就没有必要把它的颜色命名为 carColor。
Bad:const car = { carMake: "Honda", carModel: "Accord", carColor: "Blue" }; function paintCar(car) { car.carColor = "Red"; }Good:
const car = { make: "Honda", model: "Accord", color: "Blue" }; function paintCar(car) { car.color = "Red"; }使用默认值 Bad:
function createMicrobrewery(name) { const breweryName = name || "Hipster Brew Co."; // ... }Good:
function createMicrobrewery(name = "Hipster Brew Co.") { // ... }函数 参数越少越好
如果参数超过两个,使用 ES2015/ES6 的解构语法,不用考虑参数的顺序。(注:不要超过3个参数,如果确实需要3个以上的参数,用对象包起来)
Bad:function createMenu(title, body, buttonText, cancellable) { // ... }Good:
function createMenu({ title, body, buttonText, cancellable }) { // ... } createMenu({ title: "Foo", body: "Bar", buttonText: "Baz", cancellable: true });只做一件事情
Bad:function emailClients(clients) { clients.forEach((client) => { const clientRecord = database.lookup(client); if (clientRecord.isActive()) { email(client); } }); }Good:
function emailActiveClients(clients) { clients .filter(isActiveClient) .forEach(email); } function isActiveClient(client) { const clientRecord = database.lookup(client); return clientRecord.isActive(); }顾名思义
Bad:function addToDate(date, month) { // ... } const date = new Date(); // 很难知道是把什么加到日期中 addToDate(date, 1);Good:
function addMonthToDate(month, date) { // ... } const date = new Date(); addMonthToDate(1, date);只需要一层抽象层
Bad:function parseBetterJSAlternative(code) { const REGEXES = [ // ... ]; const statements = code.split(" "); const tokens = []; REGEXES.forEach((REGEX) => { statements.forEach((statement) => { // ... }); }); const ast = []; tokens.forEach((token) => { // lex... }); ast.forEach((node) => { // parse... }); }Good:
function parseBetterJSAlternative(code) { const tokens = tokenize(code); const ast = lexer(tokens); ast.forEach((node) => { // parse... }); } function tokenize(code) { const REGEXES = [ // ... ]; const statements = code.split(" "); const tokens = []; REGEXES.forEach((REGEX) => { statements.forEach((statement) => { tokens.push( /* ... */ ); }); }); return tokens; } function lexer(tokens) { const ast = []; tokens.forEach((token) => { ast.push( /* ... */ ); }); return ast; }删除重复代码
要想优化重复代码需要有较强的抽象能力,错误的抽象还不如重复代码。所以在抽象过程中必须要遵循 SOLID 原则(SOLID 是什么?稍后会详细介绍)。
Bad:function showDeveloperList(developers) { developers.forEach((developer) => { const expectedSalary = developer.calculateExpectedSalary(); const experience = developer.getExperience(); const githubLink = developer.getGithubLink(); const data = { expectedSalary, experience, githubLink }; render(data); }); } function showManagerList(managers) { managers.forEach((manager) => { const expectedSalary = manager.calculateExpectedSalary(); const experience = manager.getExperience(); const portfolio = manager.getMBAProjects(); const data = { expectedSalary, experience, portfolio }; render(data); }); }Good:
function showEmployeeList(employees) { employees.forEach(employee => { const expectedSalary = employee.calculateExpectedSalary(); const experience = employee.getExperience(); const data = { expectedSalary, experience, }; switch(employee.type) { case "develop": data.githubLink = employee.getGithubLink(); break case "manager": data.portfolio = employee.getMBAProjects(); break } render(data); }) }对象设置默认属性 Bad:
const menuConfig = { title: null, body: "Bar", buttonText: null, cancellable: true }; function createMenu(config) { config.title = config.title || "Foo"; config.body = config.body || "Bar"; config.buttonText = config.buttonText || "Baz"; config.cancellable = config.cancellable !== undefined ? config.cancellable : true; } createMenu(menuConfig);Good:
const menuConfig = { title: "Order", // "body" key 缺失 buttonText: "Send", cancellable: true }; function createMenu(config) { config = Object.assign({ title: "Foo", body: "Bar", buttonText: "Baz", cancellable: true }, config); // config 就变成了: {title: "Order", body: "Bar", buttonText: "Send", cancellable: true} // ... } createMenu(menuConfig);不要传 flag 参数
通过 flag 的 true 或 false,来判断执行逻辑,违反了一个函数干一件事的原则。(这个持保留意见,只能说尽量不要把分支判断放在函数里面)
Bad:function createFile(name, temp) { if (temp) { fs.create(`./temp/${name}`); } else { fs.create(name); } }Good:
function createFile(name) { fs.create(name); } function createFileTemplate(name) { createFile(`./temp/${name}`) }避免副作用(第一部分)
函数接收一个值返回一个新值,除此之外的行为我们都称之为副作用,比如修改全局变量、对文件进行 IO 操作等。
当函数确实需要副作用时,比如对文件进行 IO 操作时,请不要用多个函数/类进行文件操作,有且仅用一个函数/类来处理。也就是说副作用需要在唯一的地方处理。
Bad:// 全局变量被一个函数引用 // 现在这个变量从字符串变成了数组,如果有其他的函数引用,会发生无法预见的错误。 var name = "Ryan McDermott"; function splitIntoFirstAndLastName() { name = name.split(" "); } splitIntoFirstAndLastName(); console.log(name); // ["Ryan", "McDermott"];Good:
var name = "Ryan McDermott"; var newName = splitIntoFirstAndLastName(name) function splitIntoFirstAndLastName(name) { return name.split(" "); } console.log(name); // "Ryan McDermott"; console.log(newName); // ["Ryan", "McDermott"];避免副作用(第二部分)
在 JavaScript 中,基本类型通过赋值传递,对象和数组通过引用传递。以引用传递为例:
假如我们写一个购物车,通过 addItemToCart() 方法添加商品到购物车,修改 购物车数组。此时调用 purchase() 方法购买,由于引用传递,获取的 购物车数组 正好是最新的数据。
如果当用户点击购买时,网络出现故障, purchase() 方法一直在重复调用,与此同时用户又添加了新的商品,这时网络又恢复了。那么 purchase() 方法获取到 购物车数组 就是错误的。
为了避免这种问题,我们需要在每次新增商品时,克隆 购物车数组 并返回新的数组。
Bad:const addItemToCart = (cart, item) => { cart.push({ item, date: Date.now() }); };Good:
const addItemToCart = (cart, item) => { return [...cart, {item, date: Date.now()}] };不要写全局方法
在 JavaScript 中,永远不要污染全局,会在生产环境中产生难以预料的 bug。举个例子,比如你在 Array.prototype 上新增一个 diff 方法来判断两个数组的不同。而你同事也打算做类似的事情,不过他的 diff 方法是用来判断两个数组首位元素的不同。很明显你们方法会产生冲突,遇到这类问题我们可以用 ES2015/ES6 的语法来对 Array 进行扩展。
Bad:Array.prototype.diff = function diff(comparisonArray) { const hash = new Set(comparisonArray); return this.filter(elem => !hash.has(elem)); };Good:
class SuperArray extends Array { diff(comparisonArray) { const hash = new Set(comparisonArray); return this.filter(elem => !hash.has(elem)); } }比起命令式我更喜欢函数式编程
Bad:const programmerOutput = [ { name: "Uncle Bobby", linesOfCode: 500 }, { name: "Suzie Q", linesOfCode: 1500 }, { name: "Jimmy Gosling", linesOfCode: 150 }, { name: "Gracie Hopper", linesOfCode: 1000 } ]; let totalOutput = 0; for (let i = 0; i < programmerOutput.length; i++) { totalOutput += programmerOutput[i].linesOfCode;Good:
const programmerOutput = [ { name: "Uncle Bobby", linesOfCode: 500 }, { name: "Suzie Q", linesOfCode: 1500 }, { name: "Jimmy Gosling", linesOfCode: 150 }, { name: "Gracie Hopper", linesOfCode: 1000 } ]; let totalOutput = programmerOutput .map(output => output.linesOfCode) .reduce((totalLines, lines) => totalLines + lines, 0)封装条件语句 Bad:
if (fsm.state === "fetching" && isEmpty(listNode)) { // ... }Good:
// 持保留意见 function shouldShowSpinner(fsm, listNode) { return fsm.state === "fetching" && isEmpty(listNode); } if (shouldShowSpinner(fsmInstance, listNodeInstance)) { // ... }尽量别用“非”条件句 Bad:
function isDOMNodeNotPresent(node) { // ... } if (!isDOMNodeNotPresent(node)) { // ... }Good:
function isDOMNodePresent(node) { // ... } if (isDOMNodePresent(node)) { // ... }避免使用条件语句
Bad:class Airplane { // ... // 获取巡航高度 getCruisingAltitude() { switch (this.type) { case "777": return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getPassengerCount(); case "Air Force One": return this.getMaxAltitude(); case "Cessna": return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getFuelExpenditure(); } } }Good:
class Airplane { // ... } // 波音777 class Boeing777 extends Airplane { // ... getCruisingAltitude() { return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getPassengerCount(); } } // 空军一号 class AirForceOne extends Airplane { // ... getCruisingAltitude() { return this.getMaxAltitude(); } } // 赛纳斯飞机 class Cessna extends Airplane { // ... getCruisingAltitude() { return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getFuelExpenditure(); } } // 利用对象使用分支判断 var Airplane = { "777": function() { return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getPassengerCount(); }, "Air Force One": function() { return this.getMaxAltitude(); }, "Cessna": function() { return this.getMaxAltitude() - this.getFuelExpenditure(); }, }避免类型检查(第一部分)
JavaScript 是无类型的,意味着你可以传任意类型参数,这种自由度很容易让人困扰,不自觉的就会去检查类型。仔细想想是你真的需要检查类型还是你的 API 设计有问题?(注:持保留意见)
Bad:function travelToTexas(vehicle) { if (vehicle instanceof Bicycle) { vehicle.pedal(this.currentLocation, new Location("texas")); } else if (vehicle instanceof Car) { vehicle.drive(this.currentLocation, new Location("texas")); } }Good:
function travelToTexas(vehicle) { vehicle.move(this.currentLocation, new Location("texas")); }避免类型检查(第二部分)
如果你需要做静态类型检查,比如字符串、整数等,推荐使用 TypeScript,不然你的代码会变得又臭又长。
function combine(val1, val2) { if (typeof val1 === "number" && typeof val2 === "number" || typeof val1 === "string" && typeof val2 === "string") { return val1 + val2; } throw new Error("Must be of type String or Number"); }Good:
function combine(val1, val2) { return val1 + val2; }不要过度优化
Bad:// 在老的浏览器中,由于 `list.length` 没有做缓存,每次迭代都会去计算,造成不必要开销。 // 现代浏览器已对此做了优化。 for (let i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { // ... }Good:
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // ... }删除弃用代码
Bad:function oldRequestModule(url) { // ... } function newRequestModule(url) { // ... } const req = newRequestModule; inventoryTracker("apples", req, "www.inventory-awesome.io");Good:
function newRequestModule(url) { // ... } const req = newRequestModule; inventoryTracker("apples", req, "www.inventory-awesome.io");对象和数据结构 用 get、set 方法操作数据
这样做可以带来很多好处,比如在操作数据时打日志,方便跟踪错误;在 set 的时候很容易对数据进行校验…
Bad:function makeBankAccount() { // ... return { balance: 0, // ... }; } const account = makeBankAccount(); account.balance = 100;Good:
function makeBankAccount() { // 私有变量 let balance = 0; function getBalance() { return balance; } function setBalance(amount) { // ... 在更新 balance 前,对 amount 进行校验 balance = amount; } return { // ... getBalance, setBalance, }; } const account = makeBankAccount(); account.setBalance(100);使用私有变量
Bad:const Employee = function(name) { this.name = name; }; Employee.prototype.getName = function getName() { return this.name; }; const employee = new Employee("John Doe"); console.log(`Employee name: ${employee.getName()}`); // Employee name: John Doe delete employee.name; console.log(`Employee name: ${employee.getName()}`); // Employee name: undefinedGood:
function makeEmployee(name) { return { getName() { return name; }, }; } const employee = makeEmployee("John Doe"); console.log(`Employee name: ${employee.getName()}`); // Employee name: John Doe delete employee.name; console.log(`Employee name: ${employee.getName()}`); // Employee name: John Doe类 使用 class
在 ES2015/ES6 之前,没有类的语法,只能用构造函数的方式模拟类,可读性非常差。
Bad:// 动物 const Animal = function(age) { if (!(this instanceof Animal)) { throw new Error("Instantiate Animal with `new`"); } this.age = age; }; Animal.prototype.move = function move() {}; // 哺乳动物 const Mammal = function(age, furColor) { if (!(this instanceof Mammal)) { throw new Error("Instantiate Mammal with `new`"); } Animal.call(this, age); this.furColor = furColor; }; Mammal.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype); Mammal.prototype.constructor = Mammal; Mammal.prototype.liveBirth = function liveBirth() {}; // 人类 const Human = function(age, furColor, languageSpoken) { if (!(this instanceof Human)) { throw new Error("Instantiate Human with `new`"); } Mammal.call(this, age, furColor); this.languageSpoken = languageSpoken; }; Human.prototype = Object.create(Mammal.prototype); Human.prototype.constructor = Human; Human.prototype.speak = function speak() {};Good:
// 动物 class Animal { constructor(age) { this.age = age }; move() {}; } // 哺乳动物 class Mammal extends Animal{ constructor(age, furColor) { super(age); this.furColor = furColor; }; liveBirth() {}; } // 人类 class Human extends Mammal{ constructor(age, furColor, languageSpoken) { super(age, furColor); this.languageSpoken = languageSpoken; }; speak() {};链式调用
这种模式相当有用,可以在很多库中发现它的身影,比如 jQuery、Lodash 等。它让你的代码简洁优雅。实现起来也非常简单,在类的方法最后返回 this 可以了。
Bad:class Car { constructor(make, model, color) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.color = color; } setMake(make) { this.make = make; } setModel(model) { this.model = model; } setColor(color) { this.color = color; } save() { console.log(this.make, this.model, this.color); } } const car = new Car("Ford","F-150","red"); car.setColor("pink"); car.save();Good:
class Car { constructor(make, model, color) { this.make = make; this.model = model; this.color = color; } setMake(make) { this.make = make; return this; } setModel(model) { this.model = model; return this; } setColor(color) { this.color = color; return this; } save() { console.log(this.make, this.model, this.color); return this; } } const car = new Car("Ford","F-150","red") .setColor("pink"); .save();不要滥用继承
很多时候继承被滥用,导致可读性很差,要搞清楚两个类之间的关系,继承表达的一个属于关系,而不是包含关系,比如 Human->Animal vs. User->UserDetails
Bad:class Employee { constructor(name, email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } // ... } // TaxData(税收信息)并不是属于 Employee(雇员),而是包含关系。 class EmployeeTaxData extends Employee { constructor(ssn, salary) { super(); this.ssn = ssn; this.salary = salary; } // ... }Good:
class EmployeeTaxData { constructor(ssn, salary) { this.ssn = ssn; this.salary = salary; } // ... } class Employee { constructor(name, email) { this.name = name; this.email = email; } setTaxData(ssn, salary) { this.taxData = new EmployeeTaxData(ssn, salary); } // ... }SOLID
SOLID 是几个单词首字母组合而来,分别表示 单一功能原则、开闭原则、里氏替换原则、接口隔离原则以及依赖反转原则。
单一功能原则 The Single Responsibility Principle如果一个类干的事情太多太杂,会导致后期很难维护。我们应该厘清职责,各司其职减少相互之间依赖。
Bad:class UserSettings { constructor(user) { this.user = user; } changeSettings(settings) { if (this.verifyCredentials()) { // ... } } verifyCredentials() { // ... } }Good:
class UserAuth { constructor(user) { this.user = user; } verifyCredentials() { // ... } } class UserSetting { constructor(user) { this.user = user; this.auth = new UserAuth(this.user); } changeSettings(settings) { if (this.auth.verifyCredentials()) { // ... } } }开闭原则 The Open Closed Principle
Bad:class AjaxAdapter extends Adapter { constructor() { super(); this.name = "ajaxAdapter"; } } class NodeAdapter extends Adapter { constructor() { super(); this.name = "nodeAdapter"; } } class HttpRequester { constructor(adapter) { this.adapter = adapter; } fetch(url) { if (this.adapter.name === "ajaxAdapter") { return makeAjaxCall(url).then((response) => { // 传递 response 并 return }); } else if (this.adapter.name === "httpNodeAdapter") { return makeHttpCall(url).then((response) => { // 传递 response 并 return }); } } } function makeAjaxCall(url) { // 处理 request 并 return promise } function makeHttpCall(url) { // 处理 request 并 return promise }Good:
class AjaxAdapter extends Adapter { constructor() { super(); this.name = "ajaxAdapter"; } request(url) { // 处理 request 并 return promise } } class NodeAdapter extends Adapter { constructor() { super(); this.name = "nodeAdapter"; } request(url) { // 处理 request 并 return promise } } class HttpRequester { constructor(adapter) { this.adapter = adapter; } fetch(url) { return this.adapter.request(url).then((response) => { // 传递 response 并 return }); } }里氏替换原则 Liskov Substitution Principle
Bad:// 长方形 class Rectangle { constructor() { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; } setColor(color) { // ... } render(area) { // ... } setWidth(width) { this.width = width; } setHeight(height) { this.height = height; } getArea() { return this.width * this.height; } } // 正方形 class Square extends Rectangle { setWidth(width) { this.width = width; this.height = width; } setHeight(height) { this.width = height; this.height = height; } } function renderLargeRectangles(rectangles) { rectangles.forEach((rectangle) => { rectangle.setWidth(4); rectangle.setHeight(5); const area = rectangle.getArea(); rectangle.render(area); }); } const rectangles = [new Rectangle(), new Rectangle(), new Square()]; renderLargeRectangles(rectangles);Good:
class Shape { setColor(color) { // ... } render(area) { // ... } } class Rectangle extends Shape { constructor(width, height) { super(); this.width = width; this.height = height; } getArea() { return this.width * this.height; } } class Square extends Shape { constructor(length) { super(); this.length = length; } getArea() { return this.length * this.length; } } function renderLargeShapes(shapes) { shapes.forEach((shape) => { const area = shape.getArea(); shape.render(area); }); } const shapes = [new Rectangle(4, 5), new Rectangle(4, 5), new Square(5)]; renderLargeShapes(shapes);接口隔离原则 The Interface Segregation Principle
JavaScript 几乎没有接口的概念,所以这条原则很少被使用。官方定义是“客户端不应该依赖它不需要的接口”,也就是接口最小化,把接口解耦。
Bad:class DOMTraverser { constructor(settings) { this.settings = settings; this.setup(); } setup() { this.rootNode = this.settings.rootNode; this.animationModule.setup(); } traverse() { // ... } } const $ = new DOMTraverser({ rootNode: document.getElementsByTagName("body"), animationModule() {} // Most of the time, we won"t need to animate when traversing. // ... });Good:
class DOMTraverser { constructor(settings) { this.settings = settings; this.options = settings.options; this.setup(); } setup() { this.rootNode = this.settings.rootNode; this.setupOptions(); } setupOptions() { if (this.options.animationModule) { // ... } } traverse() { // ... } } const $ = new DOMTraverser({ rootNode: document.getElementsByTagName("body"), options: { animationModule() {} } });依赖倒置原则 The Dependency Inversion Principle
Bad:// 库存查询 class InventoryRequester { constructor() { this.REQ_METHODS = ["HTTP"]; } requestItem(item) { // ... } } // 库存跟踪 class InventoryTracker { constructor(items) { this.items = items; // 这里依赖一个特殊的请求类,其实我们只是需要一个请求方法。 this.requester = new InventoryRequester(); } requestItems() { this.items.forEach((item) => { this.requester.requestItem(item); }); } } const inventoryTracker = new InventoryTracker(["apples", "bananas"]); inventoryTracker.requestItems();Good:
// 库存跟踪 class InventoryTracker { constructor(items, requester) { this.items = items; this.requester = requester; } requestItems() { this.items.forEach((item) => { this.requester.requestItem(item); }); } } // HTTP 请求 class InventoryRequesterHTTP { constructor() { this.REQ_METHODS = ["HTTP"]; } requestItem(item) { // ... } } // webSocket 请求 class InventoryRequesterWS { constructor() { this.REQ_METHODS = ["WS"]; } requestItem(item) { // ... } } // 通过依赖注入的方式将请求模块解耦,这样我们就可以很轻易的替换成 webSocket 请求。 const inventoryTracker = new InventoryTracker(["apples", "bananas"], new InventoryRequesterHTTP()); inventoryTracker.requestItems();测试
PS: 如果你发现你的代码很难被测试,那么你应该优化你的代码了。
单一化 Bad:import assert from "assert"; describe("MakeMomentJSGreatAgain", () => { it("handles date boundaries", () => { let date; date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("1/1/2015"); date.addDays(30); assert.equal("1/31/2015", date); date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("2/1/2016"); date.addDays(28); assert.equal("02/29/2016", date); date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("2/1/2015"); date.addDays(28); assert.equal("03/01/2015", date); }); });Good:
import assert from "assert"; describe("MakeMomentJSGreatAgain", () => { it("handles 30-day months", () => { const date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("1/1/2015"); date.addDays(30); assert.equal("1/31/2015", date); }); it("handles leap year", () => { const date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("2/1/2016"); date.addDays(28); assert.equal("02/29/2016", date); }); it("handles non-leap year", () => { const date = new MakeMomentJSGreatAgain("2/1/2015"); date.addDays(28); assert.equal("03/01/2015", date); }); });异步 不再使用回调
不会有人愿意去看嵌套回调的代码,用 Promises 替代回调吧。
Bad:import { get } from "request"; import { writeFile } from "fs"; get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cecil_Martin", (requestErr, response) => { if (requestErr) { console.error(requestErr); } else { writeFile("article.html", response.body, (writeErr) => { if (writeErr) { console.error(writeErr); } else { console.log("File written"); } }); } });Good:
get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cecil_Martin") .then((response) => { return writeFile("article.html", response); }) .then(() => { console.log("File written"); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); });Async/Await 比起 Promises 更简洁 Bad:
import { get } from "request-promise"; import { writeFile } from "fs-promise"; get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cecil_Martin") .then((response) => { return writeFile("article.html", response); }) .then(() => { console.log("File written"); }) .catch((err) => { console.error(err); });Good:
import { get } from "request-promise"; import { writeFile } from "fs-promise"; async function getCleanCodeArticle() { try { const response = await get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cecil_Martin"); await writeFile("article.html", response); console.log("File written"); } catch(err) { console.error(err); } }错误处理 不要忽略抛异常 Bad:
try { functionThatMightThrow(); } catch (error) { console.log(error); }Good:
try { functionThatMightThrow(); } catch (error) { // 这一种选择,比起 console.log 更直观 console.error(error); // 也可以在界面上提醒用户 notifyUserOfError(error); // 也可以把异常传回服务器 reportErrorToService(error); // 其他的自定义方法 }不要忘了在 Promises 抛异常 Bad:
getdata() .then((data) => { functionThatMightThrow(data); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); });Good:
getdata() .then((data) => { functionThatMightThrow(data); }) .catch((error) => { // 这一种选择,比起 console.log 更直观 console.error(error); // 也可以在界面上提醒用户 notifyUserOfError(error); // 也可以把异常传回服务器 reportErrorToService(error); // 其他的自定义方法 });代码风格
常量大写 Bad:const DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7; const daysInMonth = 30; const songs = ["Back In Black", "Stairway to Heaven", "Hey Jude"]; const Artists = ["ACDC", "Led Zeppelin", "The Beatles"]; function eraseDatabase() {} function restore_database() {} class animal {} class Alpaca {}Good:
const DAYS_IN_WEEK = 7; const DAYS_IN_MONTH = 30; const SONGS = ["Back In Black", "Stairway to Heaven", "Hey Jude"]; const ARTISTS = ["ACDC", "Led Zeppelin", "The Beatles"]; function eraseDatabase() {} function restoreDatabase() {} class Animal {} class Alpaca {}先声明后调用
Bad:class PerformanceReview { constructor(employee) { this.employee = employee; } lookupPeers() { return db.lookup(this.employee, "peers"); } lookupManager() { return db.lookup(this.employee, "manager"); } getPeerReviews() { const peers = this.lookupPeers(); // ... } perfReview() { this.getPeerReviews(); this.getManagerReview(); this.getSelfReview(); } getManagerReview() { const manager = this.lookupManager(); } getSelfReview() { // ... } } const review = new PerformanceReview(employee); review.perfReview();Good:
class PerformanceReview { constructor(employee) { this.employee = employee; } perfReview() { this.getPeerReviews(); this.getManagerReview(); this.getSelfReview(); } getPeerReviews() { const peers = this.lookupPeers(); // ... } lookupPeers() { return db.lookup(this.employee, "peers"); } getManagerReview() { const manager = this.lookupManager(); } lookupManager() { return db.lookup(this.employee, "manager"); } getSelfReview() { // ... } } const review = new PerformanceReview(employee); review.perfReview();注释 只有业务逻辑需要注释
Bad:function hashIt(data) { // 这是初始值 let hash = 0; // 数组的长度 const length = data.length; // 循环数组 for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { // 获取字符代码 const char = data.charCodeAt(i); // 修改 hash hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char; // 转换为32位整数 hash &= hash; } }Good:
function hashIt(data) { let hash = 0; const length = data.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const char = data.charCodeAt(i); hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) + char; // 转换为32位整数 hash &= hash; } }删掉注释的代码
git 存在的意义就是保存你的旧代码,所以注释的代码赶紧删掉吧。
Bad:doStuff(); // doOtherStuff(); // doSomeMoreStuff(); // doSoMuchStuff();Good:
记住你有 git!,git log 可以帮你干这事。
/** * 2016-12-20: 删除了 xxx * 2016-10-01: 改进了 xxx * 2016-02-03: 删除了第12行的类型检查 * 2015-03-14: 增加了一个合并的方法 */ function combine(a, b) { return a + b; }Good:
function combine(a, b) { return a + b; }注释不需要高亮
Bad://////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scope Model Instantiation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $scope.model = { menu: "foo", nav: "bar" }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Action setup //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const actions = function() { // ... };Good:
$scope.model = { menu: "foo", nav: "bar" }; const actions = function() { // ... };
翻译自 ryanmcdermott 的 clean-code-javascript,本文对原文进行了一些修改。
摘要:考虑到函数表示某种行为,函数名称应该是动词或短语,用以说明其背后的意图以及参数的意图。不好的方式好的方式使用条件简写。这可能微不足道,但值得一提。 为了保证可读性,本文采用的音译而非直意。 简介 如果你关注代码本身和代码的编写方式,而不是只关心它是否能工作,那么你写代码是有一定的水准。专业开发人员将为未来的自己和其他人编写代码,而不仅仅只编写当前能工作就行的代码。 在此基础上,简洁代码...
摘要:将代码写的简洁并且易读易懂是每一位优秀的所应该具备的基本功。前几天在上看到这个项目,感觉很有收获,于是在这里记录一下。 将代码写的简洁并且易读易懂是每一位优秀的coder所应该具备的基本功。 前几天在github上看到clean-code-php这个项目,感觉很有收获,于是在这里记录一下。 使用有意义并且可读的变量名称 Bad: $ymdstr = $moment->format(y-...
摘要:统一的编码规范编码规范往简单说其实就是三个方面换行空格变量命名放在里面,还有一些附加的地方,比如关键字大小写,语法糖的使用与等的问题。这些都是规范代码的重要手段。推广给你的队友团队项目中,队友的配合对整个代码的规范起着决定性的作用。 1. 统一的编码规范 编码规范往简单说其实就是三个方面: 换行 空格 变量命名 放在 PHP 里面,还有一些附加的地方,比如关键字大小写,语法糖的使用...
摘要:使用和在中,通过为属性或方法设置和关键字可以实现对属性或方法的可见性控制。你的继承表达了一个对等比如人类是动物的关系,不是包含的关系比如用户具有用户详情你能从基类中复用代码你想通过修改全局类来对所有派生类进行修改。 使用getter和setter 在 PHP 中,通过为属性或方法设置 public, protected 和 private 关键字可以实现对属性或方法的可见性控制。不过,...
摘要:与此类似,理所当然的,我们程序员也会有自己的圣经。这便是程序员的圣经三个原则我认为做为一个程序员,最神圣的就是三个原则,它几乎能完整无误的定义做为一个程序员应该如何去编码。 ...
摘要:的黑客与设计剖析设计之美的秘密,英文原版在这里,还有一套免费教程。的代码整洁之道程序员的职业素养,英文原版的学习如何为他人写文档我们与同事或者其他人沟通的很大一部分都是通过文字来的。 作者:Artem Sapegin 编译:胡子大哈 翻译原文:http://huziketang.com/blog/posts/detail?postId=58aaa33bfc5b7f63e8c23f68...
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